Natural Order Art Installation 4 HD Channels 2 Audio Channels Proposes that reality is natural chaotic and by forcing patterns and a sequential arrangement of information, we catalyze a predictable environment and generate stress. Description Conceptual Representing with an experimental animation different characteristics of Chaos. • • • Sensitivity to Initial Conditions (Butterfly Effect) Scientific Reductionism does not apply (not everything can be broken down to its simplest form) Strange Attractors (mathematic function that chaotic systems follow) Why? • Personal Interests • Background in Physics • Background in Psychology • Personal cognitive behavior • Artistic endeavor Link Challenges Keeping it entertaining • Time allocation • Take advantage of other opportunities that Berklee offered • Answers • Keeping it entertaining • New Technique/Skills application • Processing Chain • Malleable potential • If aesthetics don’t match work on different projects • Time allocation • Parallel rendering • Discard ideas • Prioritize Conclusions/What do I leave with ? Motivation to continue developing as an audiovisual artist A Master Degree A holistic idea of what it expected of an artist and what can an artist ask for Art exhibitions Other artists A stronger idea of my artistic voice Thank You