CULMINATING EXPERIENCE “SPIRAL” Iker Cedeno Music Production, Technology and Innovation July 2019 Table of Contents Abstract iii Introduction 1 Review of the State of the Art 2 Description 4 Innovative Aspects 6 New Skills Acquired 7 Challenges 8 Future Ramifications 8 Conclusion 9 Appendix A. Plan of Action 10 Appendix B. Budget 11 Bibliography 12 ii Abstract Spiral is music video production divided in tree parts. The theme of the first part is the Universe, the creation and evolution of galaxies. The second part is about nature and its vastness, its richness and the interconnection between the micro cosmos and the macro cosmos. The final part of Spiral is about civilization and its isolation from nature and the Universe and his direction to an uncertain future. The artist will use the skills acquired in video production, photography and sound design to make his CE project. iii Introduction Through an aesthetic visual and musical approach, the project intents to agree with the basic premise of the Ying Yang philosophy which says that “all things exist as not only inseparable but they attract and complement each other, for example; good and bad”1, while disagreeing with Western dualism that says “opposites are separate and independent; good or Bad”2. However, the intention of the artist is also to convey that while both Chinese and Western philosophies only consider two fundamental kinds, there are many variables or categories between the extremes. Spiral will include some examples of opposites to illustrate the aforementioned philosophies: Macro cosmos & Micro cosmos, Nature & Civilization, Past & Future, Chaos & Order, War & Peace. Each video and song will take the viewer through a journey of beautiful images, compositions and landscapes with the intention to evoke prefund emotions and consciousness of the duality humans have to bare. One of the purposes of this project is that the creator applies the many tools as well as the acquired knowledge obtained in each semester of the Music Production, Technology & Innovation master’s program (MPTI). The artist has in mind to create music in Ableton Live, using the different techniques learned in the Electronic Production class such as warping and sampling, remixing and MIDI extraction. The Professional and Creative Music Sound Design 1. Mark Cartwright. "Yin and Yang." Ancient History Encyclopedia, (accessed October 31, 2018) 2. Zalta Edward N (ed.),