Reflective Paper for Global Entertainment and Music Business Edward Hugill 0857255 GEMB 2019-06-15 Summary For my Culminating Experience for the Global Entertainment and Music Business Master I chose to continue to develop and complete my business plan for my already existing mixing and mastering business. This was due to the fact that I was already a performing as an entertainer in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada but wanted to expand my offerings and gain an extra revenue stream through my mixing and mastering skill set. Having already landed some postproduction for film work at the beginning of 2018 I knew there was definitely a market for this expansion. During the winter semester we were already flooded with knowledge which inspired more creative ideas in regards to my business and I began to use this knowledge to develop my business further by reviewing all of my skill set and developing a business that would encompass all of these skills gained over the years. These skills included over twenty years of audio engineering and production, musical performance and eight years of audio-visual management experience for Freeman AV. After reviewing and implementing the knowledge already gained from my education at Berklee I settled in and created Zpod Entertainment Company. 1 Zpod Entertainment Company utilizes a two-sided business model that targets both the front and back end of the entertainment industry. It has four business sectors including audio video services, artist management and consulting, event creative and music synchronization. All of these services work harmoniously together and can be bundled to offer value to Zpod clients. For example, clients who utilize mastering services can also be signed to a non-exclusive music synchronization agreement where Zpod will exploit these masters to the Vancouver film and TV industry. Another example would be artists who are signed under a management agreement receive mixing and mastering services at a discounted rate. These clients can also benefit from Zpod’s wealth of knowledge in live event production. I feel strongly that all these combined services will benefit the primary market of Whistler, British Columbia as well as the secondary (Vancouver, Seattle) and tertiary market of the world. Results The results were very positive for this business endeavour. Zpod’s name has been registered with the Canadian Government and was registered as a Limited Company operating in BC. Zpod’s website was constructed, although still being updated, and can be found at I have already accumulated many projects for my portfolio throughout the year including mixing and mastering for the artists Mike Casey, Snenie, Swavy and Octolion. I have also produced and edited videos for the Femaltroica event held in the Palau de les Artes. The network of clients has certainly grown and will continue. I am very pleased with the results throughout this project. The excellent mentorship from all the staff, especially my CE advisor Alex Perrin, helped nurture and inspire me to complete 2 this project. No doubt the excellent teaching staff and lectures attended throughout the year helped polish Zpod into a professional business. This went above and beyond my expectations! Process The process for completing Zpod Entertainment Company’s business plan started by taking an existing idea and expanding it to utilize all of my skill set. The development process also aligned with all of the courses taken during the Global Entertainment and Music Business Masters program. Starting in the first semester we learned about the economics of creative industries which helped fuel other ideas to incorporate into my existing business. We also tackled the finance elements which offered insight into the finance structures of existing entertainment businesses. This of course being very useful in the development of Zpod Entertainment Company. The Creative Entrepreneurship seminars also helped fuel a narrative for our businesses and helped inspire me with tools used in the creative process of business development. We also benefited from Copyright and Contract Entertainment Law which helped me gain a much better understanding of the various contracts involved in the entertainment industry which Zpod is surely to use. During semester two is where Zpod really came to fruition. The Entrepreneurship Practicum forced me to finalize the development of Zpod and complete the business plan. The Publishing and Licensing course gave me the much-needed insight into this sector of the industry which also caused me to realise its potential as another revenue stream for Zpod. I also expanded my technical knowledge taking the Advanced Video course as well as the Electronic Dance Music course. I was very impressed by the faculty teaching these courses. It should also be noted 3 that the Music Business Seminar continued to offer a wealth of knowledge from various industry insiders. The final semester was key in finalizing the business plan and working hard on portfolio projects. I have spent countless hours in the studios and labs working with different artists in an attempt to build y network and work experience. Although not complete yet the Digital Strategy and Social Media Management course has already proven to offer valuable information into this important piece of the modern entertainment industry. Next Step The next steps now that my business plan is complete and Zpod has been fully registered is to get back to Canada and focus on the marketing and finances of Zpod. My goal is to utilize online marketing in the secondary and tertiary markets and focus on increasing Zpod’s presence in the primary market. I also want to list and attend key industry events such as the Whistler Film Festival and Canadian Music Week to start expanding my existing network of clients. I also want to reach out to all Berklee graduates to keep in contact with and continue to build these relationships for mixing, mastering and music synchronisation. I also need to take the steps to secure funding through various fiscal support initiatives in Canada such as Creative BC, Music BC, Factor and the Canadian Music Fund. I will also reach out to secure a business line of credit from a bank. I will use these funds to update and expand my technical offerings. I already have an existing inventory of some pro audio equipment but know in order to compete I will need to update my mastering outboard gear which is very costly. 4 Contribution to the Discipline and Profession I really feel that Zpod can contribute and grow into a necessary company for the entertainment industry. Not many companies in the market of BC combine services like Zpod does. This gives Zpod a competitive advantage because as stated it can bundle services to create value for customers. The gaming industry and tech’ industry in general is growing in BC. Vancouver is the second largest film and TV production centre in North America and also has a healthy and growing music industry. There are not any other companies in BC, that I am aware of, that utilize a two- sided business model focusing on the front and back end of the industry. This is important for Zpods growth as it offers a wider array of services that can be upsold to each prospective client. Impact Completing this Masters and business plan has impacted me very positively on a mental level. I am very pleased with all the knowledge I have learned throughout the year. My mind is constantly coming up with new ideas and I know now that I have the skills to achieve them. The GEMB program offered far more than I was expecting. My business skills have improved immensely. My understanding of the modern entertainment industry is also where it needs to be and I have no doubt that with my existing professional work experience and knowledge from the GEMB Masters I will be very competitive in finding employment if needed. I feel now have the skills and education to pursue many different careers within the entertainment industry. 5 Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to thank all the professors for being supportive throughout this school year and offering me the knowledge needed to pursue my dream of creating an entertainment business. I really thought the design of the program catered to my goal of developing my business. I thought almost all of the speakers whom came in were incredibly valuable. In all it was truly a wonderful educational experience! 6