Short  Script  for  the  piece   ‘PART  THE  LEAVES,  UNLEASH  DESTINY’   by  Niko  Paterakis   Recorded  by  the  London  Session  Orchestra   at  AIR  Studios  –  London,  UK     SFTV  CULMINATING  EXPERIENCE  2014     Location:  the  Temple  in  the  Jungle,  South  America   Time:  Dark     00:02:  The  two  companions  look  up  decisively,  knowing  what  they  must  do.     00:14:   They   walk   up   the   steps   of   the   Temple,   stumbling   from   the   wounds   and   weariness  of  the  Jungle’s  ordeals.     00:37:   They   fling   the   main   gate   of   the   Temple   open.   The   main   hall   is   large   and   imposing,   ornate   with   mystical   drawings   and   sculptures   of   the   tribe   that   has   protected   the   Temple   for   countless   generations.   Opposite   the   entrance,   on   the   center  of  the  wall  there  is  a  huge  ornate  circle  with  what  looks  like  a  keyhole  in   the  middle.     The   man   reaches   in   his   shirt   and   uncovers   the   medallion   his   mother   gave   him   before  she  died.  The  woman  does  the  same.   Combined,  they  form  the  same  shape  as  the  keyhole.   Memories   of   his   beloved   mother   pass   through   their   mind   as   they   caress   each   other’s  medallion  misty-­‐eyed.     They  look  at  the  keyhole  and  insert  the  medallions  together.     1:12:  Bolts  and  heavy  lumber  creak  to  life  and  shatter  the  silence.  The  building   begins  to  shake…     1:38:  the  building  starts  collapsing  at  superhuman  speed  around  him,  enveloping   him  in  a  tornado  of  ruble  that  collapses  in  on  itself  like  a  black  hole.  They  stare   calmly,  accepting  their  fate.  A  flash  of  white  light  –  cut  to  next  scene.     1:48   Location:  the  Forest  on  the  Other  Side   Time:  Sunrise     They   find   themselves   magically   transported   on   a   self-­‐animated   rock   plateau   suspended  in  mid-­‐air.     1:58:   As   the   rock   rises,   it   reveals   the   place   they   have   been   searching   for:   the   Forest  on  the  Other  Side.     They  jump  off  at  the  edge  of  a  thickly  leaved  cliff  and  part  the  leaves…     2:09:   As   the   leaves   part,   the   Lost   City   is   revealed   –   an   endless   stretch   of   magnificent   golden   spires   piercing   the   sky   in   all   their   gleaming   glory.   They   cry   and  laugh  out  loud  while  gripping  each  other  furiously.     2:26:  They  begin  to  descend  the  small  hill  to  reach  the  Lost  City.     2:36:  They  arrive  at  the  main  entrance  of  the  City…