CE summer 2019n – Berklee Valencia Victor Josse – Master in Music SFTV Composing out of a script Peter Pan (J. M. Barrie) - chapter 4 The Flight scene INT./EXT. CHILDREN’S BEDROOM – NIGHT Peter Pan flies through the window and draws Wendy, John and Michael to him with his malicious words. PP : “Do you want to meet mermaids ? “ Wendy: “Oh !” PP: “Indians?” J and M: “Really ? Indians ?!” PP: “Pirates?” Children: “Pirates ?!!...” They all follow him as a sudden (1:00:17:00). EXT. ABOVE LONDON – NIGHT They fly over London’s roofs and towers, make a circle around Big Ben’s tower. After following Peter, John and Michael start a race to challenge each other (1:00:37:16). They suddenly pass through a cloud (1:00:42:13). EXT. ABOVE THE SEA – SUNRISE After a few seconds of uncertainty, they emerge in the sunrise, above the sea (1:00:46:14). They are amazed, Peter is proud. Peter dives towards the sea. He almost touches the surface of water while flying. He flies among jumping dolphins (1:01:06:01), then catches up with the others (1:01:18:15). EXT. TIMELAPSE On the same shot, we see the children flying as the sun goes down, the moon rises, then the sun comes back and goes down, as the landscape changes to mountains. EXT. ABOVE MOUNTAINS – SUNSET Michael falls asleep in the sunset, surrounded by delicate snowflakes. Suddenly he literally starts falling (1:01:47:00). Wendy screams. Peter laughs, but then he dives again after Michael who is falling towards the mountains. Peter catches Michael just before he hits a summit (1:02:02:20), and while holding him he flies up again, extremely fast, into the night sky. Wendy sees them coming. W: “John, hold me !!!” John obeys. As Peter and Michael pass by them, she catches Michael’s feet. They all fly extremely fast towards the stars, at whom Peter is giving his biggest smile. Light goes brighter, everything is blurred and Wendy has to close her eyes. EXT. NEVERLAND – SUNRISE Suddenly they emerge into the sunrise light (1:02:13:18), and progressively appears the wonderful Neverland. The children stare in wonder and we are given a fantastic view of the island. They fly through the clouds above the island and contemplate all of its wonders. Flying above the pirates’ ship, they hide quickly behind a cloud (1:02:40:12). They keep flying towards the island.