writing for a symphony jazz orchestra Jacopo Mezzanotti CONCEPT • Create a big dynamic ensemble, able to play different music styles. • Write music arrangements that can express the various musical possibilities offered by these instruments, in a way for the orchestra to support a main given concept. GOALS • Shape the concept for a jazz guitar trio. • Write and produce a 20 min of music. • Produce a sound recording and a professional video. J A Z Z PA R A E L A U T I S M O The songs that I’m going to present are a part of a big project called: Jazz Para El Autismo Jazz Para El Autismo is a charity event created by Felipe Saalfeld, Jacopo Mezzanotti, Jordi Ardit, and the association Musica Para el Autismo, based in Valencia. J A Z Z PA R A E L A U T I S M O The concert Jazz Para El Autismo took place in the theatre La Rambleta, Valencia the 26th of May 2015. More than 60 people, between musicians, technicians and volunteers, worked actively to realise this event. The orchestra has been conducted by Constantino Martínez-Orts. J A Z Z PA R A E L A U T I S M O J A Z Z PA R A E L A U T I S M O J A Z Z PA R A E L A U T I S M O SOME HISTORY PA U L W H I T E M A N FLETCHER HENDERSON DUKE ELLINGTON GEORGE GERSHWIN G I L E VA N S CLAUS OGERMAN VINCE MENDOZA MAIN REFERENCE METROPOLE ORCHESTRA MAIN DIFFERENCES • The main focus is going to be the guitar trio • The big band and the string section are separated • The idea is to use the different timbres in the stereo field • The orchestra have to ideally follow the trio • The conductor is behind the rhythm section THE ORCHESTRA • Violin I (6) • French Horn (1) • Violin II (6) • Bassoon (1) • Viola (4) • Oboe (1) • Cello (4) • Clarinet (1) • Double Bass (3) • Flute (1) • Trumpet (3) • Trombone (4) • Sax alto/soprano (2) • Sax tenor (2) • • Flute/Piccolo (1) Percussions S TA G E P L A C E M E N T • Instruments placement on stage THE WORK P R E S E N TAT I O N S E T L I S T • Dance (J. Mezzanotti) • Summertime (G. Gershwin) • Besides Your Loneliness (J. Mezzanotti) • D & D (P. Ortí) DANCE CONCEPT Write a song which contain three main components: - A strings melodic line - A swing traditional big band section - An improvisation element along the entire song Find a common mixing ground STRUCTURE INTRO THEME A THEME B THEME A GUITAR SOLO 24 32 31 24 55 THEME A THEME B PERC. SOLO CODA 36 31 OPEN 10 MELODIC LINE THEME A • Instruments placement on stage x y H A R M O N I Z AT I O N THEME A BIG BAND THEME B • Instruments placement on stage IMPRO ELEMENT The improvisation element is carried along the entire song by the percussion, with wide open space to improvise over the strings main theme and together with the guitar in the guitar solo. SUMMERTIME CONCEPT Rearrange a famous song by George Gershwin finding an original concept of reharmonisation. CONCEPT Key - Am Parallel key - Am harmonic CONCEPT New key - C#m harmonic Am ∆7 R E S U LT Since the new key brings us both the C and the C# the new chord that we can use will be in an ambiguous position. We can consider now the first A chord both: A minor and an A major STRUCTURE THEME THEME GUITAR SOLO THEME CODA 14 14 14+14 14 3 ARRANGEMENT THEME THEME 8 + 6 14 GUITAR SOLO 14 + 14 THEME 8 + CODA 6 3 Orchestra Trio Trio + Strings Guitar plays the melody Trio + Orchestra Guitar plays the melody supported by the orchestra Trio + Orchestra Orchestra Trio + Woodwinds Guitar plays the melody BESIDES YOUR LONELINESS CONCEPT Arrange an original song of mine, using the orchestra to accentuate the emotional emphasis of the the melody and carry the drama over the song. DRAMA STRUCTURE Form Bars A A 14 B 14 A 24 16 DRAMA STRUCTURE Form Bars A A 14 B 14 A 24 orchestra crescendo 16 STRUCTURE THEME SAX SOLO THEME 68 52 16 ARRANGEMENT THEME A A 14 14 Guitar plays the melody Vibraphone plays the melody Vibraphone comping Guitar comping B 16 A 8 16 Sax soprano Sax soprano Sax soprano plays plays plays the melody the melody the melody Orchestra Background (Strings) Orchestra Background Full Guitar + Vib. Background ARRANGEMENT SAX SOLO THEME B A A A 14 14 16 8 16 Guitar comping Guitar comping Guitar + Vibraphone play theme Guitar + Vibraphone play theme Sax soprano plays the melody Orchestra Background (Strings) Orchestra Background Full Guitar + Vib. Background D&D CONCEPT Arrange a song by Polo Ortí, organising the orchestra to put emphasis on different parts of the theme. STRUCTURE INTRO THEME THEME 20 81 81 PIANO SOLO VIB. SOLO THEME CODA 81 81 81 12 ARRANGEMENT INTRO 4 Drums solo 16 Orchestra THEME 81 81 Trio + Piano Vibraphone PIANO SOLO 21 60 + Orchestra background Orchestra THEME CODA 60 81 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + Orchestra background All together VIBRAPHONE SOLO 21 THEME Tutti Drums Solo Tutti Drums Solo Tutti M E L O D I C T R E AT M E N T CONCLUSIONS D I F F I C U LT I E S - Differences in time perception between jazz and classical trained musicians - Connection between the orchestra and the trio SOLUTIONS - Work with the classical trained musicians part of the orchestra to achieve a tighter time perception. - Previous planning with the conductor H AV E F U N