INCLUSION through PERFORMANCE by Timotej Kotnik What is Inclusion? »Increasing integration and decreasing expulsion from ordinary social environment.« Potts Special Needs What is considered “normal” in society through history? The Idea of Festival “Igraj se z mano” “Arts and crafts festival that focuses on inclusiveness and diversity, geared towards children and youth with special needs.” Dimensions 25.000 Active Participants 15.000 Youngsters 400+ Volunteers 60+ Workshops every day 3000+ Educators and Education Experts Performing and INCLUSION “Music as an art form of inclusiveness with no boundaries. “Music as a testing ground for the joint creation of diversity.” Handicap being an advantage and an upgrade to the performance drawing not only symbolic but real qualitative values. Berklee Meets Ljubljana Fusing elite musicians with local community and children with special needs. Does live music have positive or even therapeutic effects on performers and the audience?