Gatlin     1   The Experience Music Technology Innovation Aaron Mansa Gatlin 2015 MTI – 695 - 001 Advisor Stephen Webber Berklee College Of Music Gatlin     2   In fulfillment for my Culminating Experience, Yogi Jen Kaiser and myself produced a unique movement medicine and guided meditation experience. It included a live Dj set, projected visuals, a live percussionist, and lighting designs, centered around the theme of love. My goal was to create a musical presentation that people would respond to with sentiment and emotion. In addition to this response, when one experiences remarkable distinctive sets, it takes longer for positive memories to fade away. Thus leading to my primary objective and questioning; how the aforementioned had the ability to internally change us in the way it does and to the extent that it does. Consequently, this was experimented and provided prospective on where and how I would continue this journey. Initially, I had difficulty figuring out what type of interactive presentation I might create to produce this experience. I wanted individuals to feel that similar enthusiasm and excitement related to heading to events such as: weddings, nightclubs, festivals, and concerts. Although I knew that I felt most inspired to do a fitness event, it took me a few months to come up with something that I believed would be appropriate. I have asked myself many questions: How and why this experience would be innovative? How would this differ from existing similar fitness events? Where would I want this to potentially transpire long term? How is this experience going to be beneficial to people? I reflected on my exact point of inspiration to further lead me to answer those questions. I was inspired to do this type of event because creating unique environments for fitness sessions using technology, not only creates extraordinary experiences, but also promotes an enjoyable atmosphere for individuals while providing interactive endeavors. This type of environment could also assist as a meditational tool and visually, in guided Gatlin     3   visualization. The exploration of different mediums in a particular event is always inventive, especially depending on the usage of several features (lights, visuals, music, etc.) collectively. In regards to us, seamlessly combining art and technology to craft a truly dreamlike world is unrestrained technologically. After thinking over an experience that combined both art and technology in such a world, I decided to host a yoga event. Immediately upon arriving at this conclusion, I began putting together a blueprint, all the while questioning: What would be my main role in this? Would I require a team? What kind of music would be appropriate? What sources could I use to make this unique & innovative? Firstly, I had to choose the appropriate music and decide if I was going to dj a live mix. This was new for me, and I would say that it was difficult creating the appropriate dj set, in regards to making a track list. Correspondingly collaborating and agreeing to use certain songs with the Yogi and making sure it was fitting for her arrangement. There were many songs I wanted to play, but the selections were not suitable for Jen. We eventually came together on a playlist that would be all embracing. Next, I began practicing live dj sets, recording, and consistently changing things. Thanks to Berklee and the Palau, I was able to use a great room to host the event. Originally I wanted to use projection mapping, but in the course of time, I was doubtful that I would create what I had planned for the project. This event was my first prototype and it enlightened me in many ways. For further internal gratification, other than just yoga movement and meditation, I plan to innovate and design for physical and mental healing in general. This includes but isn't limited to yoga, physical education, cycling, aerobics, zumba, and guided meditation and relaxation. Gatlin     4   On day of the event I experienced a few problems, simple errors and small matters, consequently improvising a few inaccuracies. Unfortunately, I believe that I did not pay precise attention the visual aspects. While I did commit a majority of my attention towards lighting and its positions, there was an inadequate attentiveness into the projections and synchronization between the video and music. I admit I wasn’t as prepared in this particular aspect as I could have been. As the team grows, it will be more structural to ensure that specific people working in particular areas take on certain jobs. Starting off, I know that I will be forced to handle a majority of the responsibilities. Nevertheless, I plan to grow, eventually having a lead in charge; holding the meetings with our potential clients, promoting our events, and effectively managing the gigs. Expanding on that, it would be ideal to collaborate with fitness coaches, yogis, and/or instructors who are willing to travel, with background knowledge and experiences pertaining to fitness, pilates, and/or yoga certified. For this event, Yogi Jen Kaiser had expertise in many areas of fitness. Therefore, someone well-versed and knowledgeable about fitness inclusively would be ideal. I continually think and brainstorm on ideas that I could design and create that would leave an impact, while also contributing to the awareness of fitness movement medicine and natural physical and mental healings. The more that I am able to learn about the different fitness workouts and tempo arrangements, the more creative and resourceful my designs will be. Seeing that I know collaborating is a hurdle for myself, I will work to be fair and overstanding in all ways. I knew that I would have to keep in mind the fact that this CE was to create a unique environment, where attendees of this event would leave having partaken in a great experience, thus leading me to deciding upon music that is most fitting. I had an original Gatlin     5   track that I produced and presented to Jen, but it seemed to be too ordinary. Other selections I chose were very contemporary and new age. For future meditation and relaxation events, I will try get more involved into the movement/performance aspect, by playing ambient sounds, using Ableton playlist to cue sounds in, MPC's Akai pads, and other interactive controllers for self-enjoyment. Hopefully leading me to feel more connected. With more up tempo events and upbeat vibes, I will actually dj, and perform in a party fashion, adding in some turntabling, mixing, scratching, etc. Where would I market first? I will begin designing and working within small studios, all the while collaborating with school's physical education programs and perhaps in college fitness courses, potentially growing to work in larger events and festivals. This would be the starting point of development, scheduling meetings where I present and introduce who I am, what I do, and mentioning the benefits of jointly hosting these special events. In the future, I will not focus too much on the logistics and promotion, but more so on the creative aspect of things. Observing myself in this first event, I performed and participated in a lot of positions without assistance and advice from peers, resulting in me becoming slightly overwhelmed. With everything going on in my schedule, and time being an issue towards the end, I felt physically drained. Primarily, I will have to network with yogis, fitness centers, schools, and fitness organizations. I will attend various fitness classes and sessions to observe their current set ups. Schools would be my main target starting off because according to the Active Living Research, one in three kids in the United States is overweight or obese. Obese youth have a greater risk for heath related problems, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, unhealthy blood cholesterol issues, and other cardiovascular diseases. Creating Gatlin     6   these wonderful experiences for youth could bring encouragement, and motivate them to want to continually work out and take control of their health. What else could be beneficial from this? Here is a passage from an enlightened book that has had an influence on me reasoning the relationship between nature and technology: “Progress must be moral. It is important that spiritual advancement keep pace with material advancement. When it comes to be realized, man's journey toward a higher and more lasting value will show more marked progress while the evil in him recedes to the ground...knowing that material and spiritual progress are essential to man.” I think people must constantly work for the equal fulfillment of both. Successively we’ll be able to gain physical, mental, and unconditional internal peace, being essential for our well-being. I assure you this would lead to an effective innovation. In conclusion, physical activity can have both rapid and long-term benefits on academic performance. Generally, instantly after engaging in physical activity, children are better able to concentrate on classroom task, which can enhance learning. Physical activity specifically has positive effects on academic performance in mathematics, reading, and writing. After one session in a designed atmosphere, a child has the potential to increase their attention and memory, and reduce inappropriate behavior, such as being unfocused, disrupting others, and misbehaving. I will certainly involve a combination of countless amounts of imaginative skill and involved technique preparation. In these experiences, the content will features a mixture of computer animations, live action video, and traditional “trompe-l’oeil” (an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion) techniques. Building projection is one of Gatlin     7   the most efficient ways to show astonishing visual matter.                                       Gatlin     8   Bibliography       American  Health  Network;   Haile  Selassie  and  the  Concept  of  Enlightenment;  The  Supreme   Overstanding   KidsHealth;