Seneca Block MTH-690-W001 2016FA Seneca Block Proposal Medical Music Therapy Business Plan: a patient and staff based program model. Need: Medical centers require cost effective means of improving patient pain management, employee engagement, and environmental noise, in order to clarify the clinical rational and financial justifications for investing in holistic treatment modalities, specifically, music therapy programming. Solution: Music therapy is an evidence-based practice that uses music to address pain management, employee engagement, and environmental noise, among other issues. Through music therapy programming, a trained clinician (MT-BC) is able to adapt services that account for patient and employee vulnerability, and provide a highly cost effective, non-invasive and research-informed form of holistic treatment. This project is in the form of a business plan, a tool that articulates improvement goals, defines music therapy service delivery, and reports expected outcomes. Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that improvement in program goal areas will justify the inclusion of Music Therapy services in hospital facility fiscal year budget. Specifically, hospital administrators will incorporate music therapy programming into their yearly budget as a result of the presentation of a music therapy business plan that outlines music therapy clinical benefits, program structure details, and associated costs. • • • • • Business Plan Outline: Introduction and literature review- to include rationale for music therapy services and importance of developing a business plan Annotated bibliography, including music therapy research and business literature that informs developing this plan Music therapy program tactical breakdown (quick reference page) Breakdown of program focus including patient and employee wellness programming Metrics collection process– program assessment and ongoing measurements Program model -Quarterly employee presentations: in-service and education to increase clinical program visibility and promote staff self-care -Employee engagement highlight and impact on staff burnout reduction -Framework of service/focus 1 Seneca Block MTH-690-W001 2016FA • -Reporting structure: monthly reporting to project director and quarterly summary of program impact in terms of patients and employees served, reported to designated hospital administration -Logistics of day-to-day programming: sample schedules of service delivery Expense and financial breakdown -Price point per FTE -Analysis of facility needs and required equipment Analysis: Data demonstrating efficacy will be collected in key areas including: patient pain and stress management via pre and post music therapy session assessment using 10-point likert scale, employee engagement via visual analog mood scale pre and post session, and comparisons of HCAHPS score pre and post implementation of music therapy programming in key domains of pain management and impact on environmental noise. Conclusion: This project will measure and report on metrics of patients, families and employees reached in terms of number of individuals served monthly, along with outcomes of patient stress and pain management, employee engagement, and environment of healing improvements. Quarterly summaries of reports in terms of patients and staff members reached along with functional outcomes will be presented. This project will provide a clear overview for administrators and serve as a guide for music therapists proposing future programming. Table of Contents: • Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………......... • Author’s background and history of music therapy programming……………………………………………………………………………………………… • Music therapy Powerpoint slides in key focus areas:……………....…………………………………………………………………………………………. - Defining music therapy………………………………………………………………………….. - Pain management.....………………………………………………………………………………. - Staff outreach and wellness……………………………………...……………………………. • Analysis of cost effectiveness via number of patients seen during month with their average decrease in stress and pain score compared to price of standard care and related pain medication costs (sample documentation to be provided). • Staff outreach sample survey questions to include: 2 Seneca Block MTH-690-W001 2016FA -Would you refer your patients to MT? -Do you think MT would be effective for your patients? -Do you think MT can affect your mood? • Deliverables……………………………………………………………………………………………….. -Sample in-services both patient and staff based -Sample staff outreach session plans -Sample patient session plan • Sample Schedules……………………………………………………………………………………….. -Music Therapist rounding -Day-to-day breakdown • Annotated bibliography………………………………………………………………………………. • Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………………………… -Creation of clear program overview designed for administrative delivery by Music Therapist(s). 3