Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Reflection  Paper  Culminating  Experience:   Play  it  FWD   Summary  of  the  project:   My   project   is   a   business   plan   for   Play   it   FWD.   It   is   an   online   interactive   music   education   platform   that   allows   children   from   all   over   the   world   to   receive   music   lessons  for  free.     Play   It   FWD   is   a   non-­‐profit   organization   that   unites   Artists   &   Brands   to   provide   music   education   to   Children   for   free.   Due   to   the   trend   in   decreasing   Arts   and   Cultural  funding  in  many  countries,  we  see  the  opportunity  to  provide  an  innovative   approach   to   fulfill   the   need   for   progressive   music   education   across   the   globe.   As   a   result,   we   are   developing   an   interactive   online   platform   that   educates   and   excites   young   people   about   music   via   an   engaging   live   streaming   experience   and   additional   web-­‐based  content.   Our  free  business  model  functions  by  creating  key  relationships  with  and  between   Artists,   Brands   and   our   consumers,   whom   are   Children   and   their   Parents.   We   will   work   with   top   music   Artists   to   serve   as   Virtual   Teachers   to   Children   in   an   online   classroom   environment,   providing   unique   educational   experiences   that   are   both   enlightening  and  entertaining.  Our  Brand  partners  will  provide  the  funding  to  help   underwrite  the  costs  of  our  programming  and  educational  initiatives  in  exchange  for   brand  integration  into  our  platform  and  content.  The  additional  revenue  generated   from   our   partners   will   be   reinvested   back   into   the   organization   for   continued   curriculum  development  and  enhanced  content  creation.     1   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Our   approach   is   specifically   designed   to   bring   significant   benefits   to   every   stakeholder  in  our  ecosystem.  Artists  are  able  to  contribute  back  to  music  culture  as   well   as   create   a   deeper   connection   with   their   fans   (Children   &   Parents).   Brands   succeed   by   being   socially   responsible   and   reinvesting   in   lives   of   their   core   consumers.  Children  are  the  biggest  winners  by  receiving  an  accessible  high  quality,   innovative  music  education  at  no  cost  to  them  or  their  parents.  This  dynamic  creates   value  for  all  parties  involved  through  the  means  of  working  together  for  a  common   good.   At  Play  It  FWD,  our  goal  is  to  enrich  the  lives  of  children  and  elevate  their  cultural   awareness  to  ultimately  contribute  to  a  better  world  society.     2.  Explain  the  process,  what  happened   Emerging  business  model  class   In   the   emerging   business   model   class   of   the   first   semester   we   all   had   to   present   a   business  idea.  One  of  these  ideas  was  Play  it  FWD.  The  idea  was  presented  by  Chris   Wade  and  about  celebrities  teaching  children  for  free,  funded  by  brands.     Before   I   came   to   Berklee   Valencia   I   already   wrote   a   business   plan   in   music   education  and  therefore  the  idea  of  Play  it  FWD  spoke  to  me  right  away.   Chris  had  to  choose  a  team  to  work  on  Play  it  FWD  during  class  and  Max  Wright  and   I   were   chosen   to   be   part   of   team   Play  it  FWD.     We   worked   on   the   idea   in   class   and   it   didn’t   take   us   long   to   realize   this   was   something   that   we   wanted   to   do   for   our   Culminating  experiences  and  beyond  school  as  well.       2   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Choosing  a  Culminating  Experience  project   Before   I   came   to   Berklee   Valencia   I   had   written   and   won   a   business   plan   competition.  The  plan  was  for  a  sustainable  music  school  with  integrated  marketing   platform   and   artist   management   database.   I   came   to   Berklee   to   acquire   the   tools   necessary  to  become  an  entrepreneur  in  music  business.     Play  it  FWD  is  perfectly  in  line  with  my  interests  and  exactly  what  I  was  looking  for   in  a  Culminating  Experience.  We  were  able  to  work  on  a  great  idea  and  create  a  solid   business  plan  that  will  help  us  further  in  executing  the  business  idea.   Designing  the  business   During   all   the   classes   of   the   emerging   business   models   class   we   worked   with   our   team   on   Play   it   FWD.   We   looked   at   the   different   angles   of   the   business   using   the   techniques   that   were   taught   to   us   by   our   professor.   The   exercises   were   used   to   make  the  idea  more  solid  and  get  a  better  image  of  all  the  different  aspects  of  Play  it   FWD.   We   refined   the   model   and   started   to   learn   how   to   pitch   and   sell   the   idea   to   outsiders.     The  design  of  the  lessons  of  Play   it   FWD  were  my  responsibility  and  I  started  to  do   the   research   of   online   music   education.   I   researched   al   forms   of   music   education   online  and  the  way  the  content  is  delivered  on  different  platforms.  I  also  tried  to  find   the   right   age   group   that   Play  it  FWD  would   be   targeting   and   how   they   learn   best.   This   all   to   find   the   best   way   to   create   engaging   content   for   our   platform   and   the   right  way  of  delivering.     Pitching  the  idea     3   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   One  of  the  main  exercises  in  this  class  was  to  learn  how  to  pitch  the  idea  in  front  of   people  from  all  walks  of  life  including  industry  professionals.  It  was  a  great  learning   experience   for   me   personally   as   presenting   is   something   I   had   never   done   before.   It   made   me   learn   how   to   find   the   right   flow   for   a   presentation   and   more   important   how   to   communicate   an   idea   to   people   in   the   most   efficient   and   understandable   way.     Second  semester  addition  of  team  members   In   the   second   semester   we   added   two   new   members   to   the   team   that   would   be   able   to   help   us   realize   the   business   plan   and   would   be   a   value   for   our   team.   We   chose   Gabby  Banks  for  her  experience  in  music  licensing  and  video  production  and  Manuel   Delgado  for  his  knowledge  of  legal  issues  and  overall  hands  on  mentality.   Play  it  FWD  is  a  big  and  complex  business  idea  and  we  spent  every  day  of  the  second   semester   in   realizing   the   business   plan   and   all   the   other   elements   that   are   part   of   this   company   but   are   not   attended   to   in   the   business   plan   itself.   For   example,   the   development  of  the  lessons  and  the  partnering  with  the  artists  and  the  children.     Research  (market,  parents,  brands,  financial)   As  a  team,  we  needed  to  take  on  a  lot  of  research  in  all  elements  of  the  business  plan   to   come   up   with   realistic   outcomes.   Because   our   business   is   structured   like   an   ecosystem   of   different   elements   working   together,   we   needed   to   do   the   market   research  and  industry  research  for  all  three  elements  in  the  ABC  model.  This  was  an   enormous  challenge  sometimes  since  we  were  under  a  lot  of  time  pressure.     For   my   culminating   experience   it   was   my   job   to   do   the   market   research   for   the   educational   part   of   the   business.   There   was   very   little   information   to   find   on   the     4   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   internet  about  education.  It  was  important  for  us  to  get  an  image  of  the  importance   of  music  education  for  parents  and  how  many  children  were  already  receiving  some   kind   of   music   education   if   it   was   in   traditional   form   or   online.   To   get   a   better   image   of   the   importance   of   music   education   to   parents   I   created   a   survey   for   parents   particularly  in  the  United  States  of  America  since  that  is  the  market  we  want  to  start   our  business  in.     We   needed   to   know   how   important   music   education   is   to   parents   and   if   they   would   be  open  for  a  new  form  of  education  using  new  technologies.     I  collected  the  data  and  analyzed  the  information  from  the  survey.  With  this  data  we   were   able   to   create   a   better   image   of   how   to   market   the   platform   and   the   importance  of  the  different  parts  in  the  education  process  and  platform.     We  were  also  looking  for  information  of  professional  music  educators.  We  wanted   their   opinion   on   the   idea   and   the   way   we   were   designing   the   lessons.   What   do   professionals   think   of   the   way   we   want   to   deliver   music   education?   What   would   they   recommend   in   the   delivery   and   what   is   their   experience   with   children   in   our   target   age   group.   I   interviewed   the   music   education   professionals   and   used   the   information  that  I  received  to  better  the  design  of  the  lesson  delivery  and  platform.     Writing  the  plan   After  all  the  research  we  did  on  the  different  elements  of  the  market  and  the  idea  we   were   to   write   the   full   business   plan.   We   divided   all   of   the   work   but   we   worked   together   with   the   full   team   on   almost   all   the   sections.   I   was   in   charge   of   the   executive   summary,   market   research   analysis   and   the   operational   plan.   In   the   appendix  of  the  business  plan  I  included  a  first  draft  of  the  curriculum  as  I  worked     5   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   on  that  a  lot  as  well  but  it  is  unfortunately  not  part  of  the  business  plan.  We  would   meet   almost   every   day   to   go   over   the   individual   work   and   help   each   other   on   the   different  parts.  Especially  the  financial  part  of  our  plan  was  a  big  challenge  since  we   are  a  non-­‐profit  that  has  a  lot  of  start  up  costs.  In  the  appendix  of  the  business  plan  I   included   a   first   draft   of   the   curriculum   as   I   worked   on   that   a   lot   as   well   but   it   is   unfortunately   not   part   of   the   business   plan.   The   design   of   the   lessons   and   the   research  is  an  ongoing  process  and  we  won’t  have  a  clear  image  of  it  until  we  can   start  building  a  proto  type.     3.  Results   Venture  day  competition  win   At   the   end   of   the   second   semester   we   presented   our   idea   at   the   Berklee   Valencia   Venture   day   and   we   were   happy   to   find   out   we   came   first   in   the   competition.   The   jury   that   was   provided   by   Berklee   gave   us   great   feedback   and   we   still   are   in   contact   with   some   of   the   jury   members   as   they   are   helping   us   moving   forward   in   making   this  plan  a  reality.   Business  plan  ready  for  the  real  world   We  now  feel  that  we  have  a  good  business  plan  that  we  can  use  to  for  the  future  of   Play   it   FWD.  We  will  need  to  revise  curtain  parts  since  we  didn’t  have  enough  time   in  class  to  execute  all  of  the  sections  in  the  best  way  due  to  class  deadlines  and  the   extend  of  our  project.  But  I  am  very  happy  with  the  business  plan  we  were  able  to   finalize   this   year   and   all   the   research   we   were   able   to   do   in   helping   this   project   moving  forward.     6   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Good  contacts   One   of   the   best   things   that   happened   to   us   as   a   group   during   our   work   for   Play  it   FWD   is   the   contacts   that   Berklee   provided   to   us   in   helping   with   the   writing   and   knowledge.   We   have   had   a   great   amount   of   feedback   on   our   project   and   help   in   various   parts   of   our   business.   This   network   of   people   will   continue   in   helping   us   through  the  process  of  realizing  our  business  and  is  a  great  asset  to  our  project.     4.  Next  step   Yes  we  are  trying  to  get  ready  to  pitch  to  investors   The  next  step  is  to  refine  the   business  plan   into   a   shorter   version   that   we   can   use   during   meetings   and   presentations.   The   goal   for   finishing   this   shorter   business   plan   is   the   end   of   July.   Then   we   will   start   building   a   proto   type   of   the   platform   and   a   lesson   to   show  to  investors,  brands  and  artists  who  we  want  to  approach  for   Play  it   FWD.   We  would  love  to  be  able  to  keep  working  in  Valencia  for  the  first  six  months  as  a   group.  We  will  hopefully  soon  find  out  the  possibility  of  this.  The  plan  is  to  work  in   Valencia  for  the  first  six  months  and  then  move  to  the  US  to  to  launch  the  platform   and  create  all  the  content  as  well  as  getting  the  brands  and  artists  involved.   Saying  goodbye  to  team  members     For  the  purpose  of  the  class  we  were  working  on  the  business  plan  with  a  team  of   five   members.   We   will   not   continue   forward   with   the   business   in   the   full   group.   The   two   members   that   were   added   in   the   second   semester   wont   continue   working   on     7   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Play   it   FWD.   This   leaves   us   with   a   team   of   three   members.   Chris   and   myself   will   work  fulltime  on  Play  it  FWD  and  Max  will  be  a  part-­‐time  member.       5.  Contribution  to  the  discipline   New  form  of  education   With   Play   it   FWD   we   are   trying   to   close   the   gap   between   children   who   have   the   chance  to  receive  music  education  and  the  children  without  the  means  but  with  the   interest  and  musical  talent.  We  want  to  create  a  new  way  of  teaching  that  connects   to   the   digital   generation   and   education   by   using   the   newest   technologies   in   delivering  the  content.  We  hope  to  be  part  of  the  new  generation  of  online  education   and  be  an  example  for  other  disciplines.   We   are   using   the   brand   companies   by   letting   them   pay   back   to   society   in   a   new   innovative  way  and  use  their  funding  to  help  a  good  cause.     We   will   also   use   the   celebrities   to   reach   a   bigger   audience   but   in   the   first   place   to   inspire  children  to  make  music  and  respect  the  creation  of  music  as  an  art  form  that   needs  to  be  treasured.   Accessible  for  all  children     Play  it  FWD  is  a  free  online  music  education  platform  and  therefore  available  for  all   children   in   the   world   to   be   part   of.   We   want   to   contribute   to   society   with   this   initiative  and  hopefully  reach  a  big  audience.       6.  Impact  on  me   Sequel  to  my  first  business  plan     8   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   The   business   plan   we   wrote   this   year   is   precisely   what   I   was   looking   for   when   I   came   to   Berklee   Valencia.   I   knew   that   my   goal   for   this   year   was   to   finish   with   a   complete  business  plan  that  I  could  use  for  my  future  career  as  an  entrepreneur.  I   am  very  happy  and  lucky  that  this  goal  became  a  reality.   Great  team   It  was  great  to  be  able  to  work  in  a  good  team  with  very  smart  and  proactive  people.   I  learned  a  lot  from  my  colleagues  and  we  helped  each  other  in  all  the  elements  of   the  process.     Leaning  curve   Before  I  came  to  Berklee  Valencia  I  never  received  any  form  of  business  training  and   I   was   pretty   nervous   in   the   beginning   of   the   year   of   all   the   classes   we   were   having.   I   am   very   grateful   to   all   the   teachers   of   the   school   for   helping   me   getting   through   their   classes.   For   me   personally   I   learned   a   lot   in   all   the   classes   and   I   was   able   to   apply   this   knowledge   almost   immediately   to   other   projects   and   especially   Play   it   FWD.  I  feel  more  confident  in  applying  for  jobs  or  starting  my  own  business  due  to   all  the  tools  I  acquired  this  year.   Mind  opening   Being  in  a  school  and  class  with  people  from  all  over  the  world  and  backgrounds  has   a  mind  opening  effect.  I  did  not  only  learn  a  lot  in  the  courses  but  definitely  a  great   deal  from  my  fellow  students  as  well.  It  was  a  great  experience  to  be  part  of  such  a   multicultural  environment  and  it  made  me  grow  as  a  person.   It  is  my  future     9   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Play  it  FWD   is   my   future.   We   are   determined   to   realize   this   project   and   do   whatever   is   needed   to   make   this   a   successful   business   together   with   my   partners.   We   know   that  we  have  a  lot  of  work  in  front  of  us  but  I  truly  believe  in  Play  it  FWD.       7.  Appendix   Lesson  drafts   The   first   draft   is   a   time   based   lesson   plan.   Every   week   there   is   a   new   chapter   to   the   topic  and  new  exercises.     The  second  draft  shows  a  more  custom-­‐made  lesson  plan.  Students  are  able  to  only   view   the   topics   they   are   interested   in   and   are   able   to   skip   through   the   different   levels  if  needed.  i.e.  skip  the  basic  lesson  when  the  knowledge  is  already  there.   (This  is  just  a  draft  of  the  first  ideas.  The  development  of  the  final  lessons  and  plan   will  be  an  evolving  process)                         10   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience   Curriculum  draft  1   CLASS  1   INTRODUCTION   MUSIC   CLASS  2   INTRODUCTION   MUSIC   CLASS  3   Week  1   TO   CELEBRITY  X       TO   CELEBRITY  X       DRUMS+BEATS   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  4       DRUMS+BEATS   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  5       GUITAR+PIANO   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  6       GUITAR+PIANO   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  7       VOICE+SCALES   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  8       VOICE+SCALES   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  9       MAKE  A  SONG   CELEBRITY  X   CLASS  10       MAKE  A  SONG   CELEBRITY  X   Week  2   Games   +Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   Week  3   Games   +Exercises       Games   +Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   Week  4   Games   +Exercises       Games   +Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises       Games   Exercises             11   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   Ankie Titulaer; SID: 0765536 27 July 2014; Culminating Experience    sCurriculum  draft  2   CLASS  1   Video  2   Video  3   Video  4   INTRODUCT celebrity   ION   TO   +host+games/exer MUSIC   cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  2                   DRUMS+BEA TS   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  3                   DRUMS+BEA TS   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  4                   DRUMS+BEA TS   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  5                   GUITAR+PIA NO   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  6                     GUITAR+PIA NO   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  7                   VOICE+SCAL ES   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  8                   VOICE+SCAL ES   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  9                   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises                   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   celebrity   +host+games/exer cises   MAKE   SONG   Video  1   celebrity   A   +host+games/exer cises   CLASS  10   MAKE   SONG   A         12