Service,  Sacrifice,  Salvation   Culminating  Experience   By:   Randy  Schroeder     Introduction:       Service,  Sacrifice,  Salvation  is  a  project  I  created  to  help  bring  awareness  to   issues  that  directly  and  indirectly  affect  United  States  Veterans.    For  this  project  I   created  an  audio  visual  DJ  set  that  speaks  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  veterans’.     My  overall  goal  is  to  create  a  fund  generating  campaign,  that  when  reached  will  be   used  to  shoot  a  movie  that  directly  correlates  with  the  DJ  set’s  music.    Once   completed  I  hope  to  then  sell  the  movie  to  help  raise  money  for  Veteran’s  charities.       Description  of  the  Culminating  Experience:       I  started  this  project  with  the  idea  and  the  DJ  set  pretty  much  planned  out   from  the  start.    Originally,  I  was  going  to  make  the  movie  myself  and  then  start  from   that  step,  and  plan  a  tour.    However,  time  and  skill  with  that  many  tasks  became  too   much  for  me.    So  I  had  to  focus  on  what  I  could  accomplish  with  everything  else  I   would  need  to  complete  this  year.    So,  I  decided  to  just  work  on  the  movie  and  work   on  a  tour  fundraising  campaign.    Once  again  I  was  hit  with  reality  and  realized  I  was   thinking  too  far  ahead.    As  I  dove  more  into  this  project  I  realized  I  didn’t  have  the   skill  set  to  make  the  movie  the  way  I  had  envisioned  it.    That  is  when  I  decided  on   the  final  structure  of  this  project.      To  create  a  fund  generating  campaign  to  fund  the   film.    Not  only  could  it  include  everything  I  had  already  worked  on,  but  it  also   challenged  me  in  everything  I  had  learned  throughout  the  last  year.     The  work  included  a  prototype  of  the  movie.    I  created  storyboard  music   videos  for  the  music  I  want  to  use  in  the  DJ  set.    These  videos  were  then  put  together   to  create  an  hour  performance.    I  then  put  on  this  performance  for  the  school  and   guests.    After  all  this  I  also  now  have  a  working  model  to  show  for  my  CE,  and  a   demo  for  the  Kickstarter  campaign,  (which  I  will  talk  about  in  a  minute).    For  the   prototype  itself  I  had  assigned  certain  subject  matter  topics  to  make  distinct  topic   breaks  in  the  overall  subject.    This  was  tricky  while  also  trying  to  progress  from   wartime  to  present  in  an  overall  timeline.    Utilizing  a  video-­‐mixing  program  from   Serato,  I  then  mixed  together  these  movies  creating  a  fully  integrated  audiovisual   performance.     Once  I  had  decided  that  I  was  going  to  raise  funds  for  the  next  step  in  this   project.    I  started  looking  at  ways  to  raise  funds.      Kickstarter  seemed  to  me  to  be  the   easiest  to  setup  and  use,  as  well  as  be  the  most  recognized  site  for  these  fund-­‐ generating  opportunities.    I  then  created  a  ready  to  start  campaign.    Everything  is   written  and  completed,  with  the  exception  of  the  rewards  (will  discuss  rewards   later).    Bio  was  completed  along  with  entire  story  for  the  reader  to  get  an  idea  of   what  this  project  is.    All  rewards  were  written  to  show  the  overall  idea  of  the   rewards  for  this  campaign.    It  was  then  linked  with  my  Facebook  band  page  and  my   Reverbnation  band  page,  which  I  created  for  this  project  as  well.     The  rewards  required  most  of  the  creative  work  for  me  in  this  project.    I   started  out  by  making  my  own  music  for  the  lower  tiers  of  the  rewards  base.    I   created  three  original  tracks  that  I  can  copyright  and  release  at  a  future  date  of  my   choosing.    I  also  found  myself  making  many  bootlegs  along  with  these  original   tracks.    The  problem  is  the  copyrights  and  licensing  issues.    So  I  decided  to  make  a   reward  be  a  subscription  to  my  bootleg  and  DJ  set  site.    Once  I  have  a  site  that  I  can   charge  that  fee  (not  part  of  this  project).    I  would  then  offer  fans  the  option  to  have   this  as  a  reward.    They  would  then  be  able  to  have  everything  they  want  that  is  in   there.    Here  I  can  put  bootleg  remixes;  DJ  sets,  and  show  movies  to  be  downloaded   at  the  fans  request.    This  not  only  acts  as  a  reward,  but  it  made  also  the  tools   necessary  for  demos  to  be  used  for  promotions,  and  a  press  pack.         Finally,  I  had  the  final  presentation.    This  required  me  to  make  a  video  to   introduce  the  project.    So,  I  shot  and  edited  videos,  to  make  an  introduction  for  this   project.    I  created  a  slide  presentation  to  go  through  all  the  individual  parts  that   made  up  this  entire  project.    I  also  edited  videos  of  the  two  performances,  to  provide   evidence  of  the  completion  of  these  specific  parts  of  the  project.   Innovative  aspects  of  work:     Innovative  aspects  of  this  project  are,  the  usage  of  new  software  to  control   audio  and  visual  aspects  of  the  show  in  one  controlled  program.    I  also  integrated  in   a  state  of  the  art  DJ  controller  to  allow  me  to  control  both  the  visual  portion  and   audio  portion  at  the  same  time.    The  performance  is  innovative  trying  to  bring   storytelling,  cinema  graphic  art,  and  music  to  create  a  full  sensory  experience  for  the   listener.    While  I  understand  this  has  been  done  before,  for  other  topics,  in  different   ways,  by  other  individuals.    My  topic  has  not  been  used  before,  and  my  overall  goals   have  not  been  tried  before  ether.   New  Skills  Acquired:        Skills  that  I  acquired  through  this  project  encompassed  everything  the  Music   Technology  Innovation  program  sought  to  teach  me.    I  had  to  learn  to  video  edit  in   order  to  complete  the  seven  music  videos  I  created  to  complete  the  story  set.    All  my   production  and  studio  recording  classes  were  needed  to  create  the  tracks  and   bootlegs  I  created  for  this  project.    Then  there  are  all  the  performances  and  DJ  skills   I  learned  to  provide  a  performance  to  go  along  with  the  project.    From  the  very   beginning  I  was  learning  a  process  of  taking  an  idea  and  following  through  to   completion.    Teaching  me  time  management,  scheduling,  and  the  steps  necessary  to   take  throughout  this  project.      But  most  of  all  I  learned  to  cope  with  expected  and   unexpected  challenges  in  the  process.   Challenges,  both  anticipated,  and  unexpected:     By  evidence  of  the  evolution  of  this  project,  you  can  see  I  had  many   challenges  that  had  to  be  addressed  and  overcome.    The  unexpected  challenges   mostly  dealt  with  the  overall  goal  of  the  project.    Seemed  every  time  I  thought  I  had   a  obtainable  goal,  other  work  or  time  would  require  me  to  scale  back  the  project.     Other  unexpected  challenges  had  to  do  with  skill  level.    Case  in  point  the  movies.    I   wanted  to  have  them  so  much  better  produced,  however  my  skill  was  not  developed   enough  to  complete  the  project  the  way  I  truly  wanted  to.    That  also  played  a  role  in   the  main  goal  issues  as  well.     Then  there  were  the  expected  challenges.    These  included  challenges  of   learning  the  hardware  used  in  the  performances.    Learning  new  software  in  order  to   DJ  videos.    Creating  new  music  is  styles  that  I  was  unfamiliar  with.    Time  crunch   challenges,  and  making  sure  everything  fit  together  in  one  complete  package  that   didn’t  turn  out  looking  like  many  different  project  thrown  together.       Future  ramifications  and/or  plans  for  Work:     As  for  the  future  of  this  project  at  this  point  I  really  have  no  concrete  plans   for  the  project.    Either  way  though  I  have  tools  now  that  I  can  use  in  order  to   succeed.    The  tracks  that  are  mine  I  may  look  into  releasing.    The  bootlegs  can  be   used  to  grow  fan  base  and  be  part  of  a  press  packet  used  to  generate  gig   opportunities  in  the  future.    I  have  a  playable  story  set  that  I  can  perform  as  well.    All   in  all  even  if  I  don’t  move  forward  on  the  movie,  throughout  this  whole  project  I   have  created  the  tools,  music,  and  sites  needed  to  start  a  professional  DJ  career.     Conclusion:     In  conclusion  this  project  took  everything  I  have  learned,  experienced,  and   persevered  through  in  order  for  it  to  be  completed.    I  not  only  had  to  define  myself   as  an  artist,  a  DJ,  and  a  professional.    I  also  had  to  express  concerns  that  have  been   on  my  mind  for  a  long  time.    This  project  allowed  me  to  put  all  those  idea  and   concerns  out  there  for  the  world  to  see  and  experience.    I  now  am  able  to  look   forward  to  a  future  that  I  have  always  wanted.    I  now  have  the  tools,  skills,   confidence,  and  motivation  to  succeed  in  any  path  I  wish  to  take.    The  proof  is  in  all   the  work  I  managed  to  complete  over  this  last  year.    In  regards  to  the  full  project,  I   hope  that  I  can  one  day  share  the  finished  idea  with  the  world.    To  help  raise   awareness  to  the  battles  we  as  veterans  face  in  America  today.    So  that  maybe  one   day  when  people  who  proudly  display  stickers  saying  “We  support  the  troops”,  they   will  honestly  know  and  understand  what  it  truly  takes  to  support  them.   References:   "Patriots or Profiteers?" YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 June 2014. "War Profiteers Escalate Their War on Jobs." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 June 2014. "DJ Spooky's "Rebirth of a Nation"" YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 30 June 2014.