The  Transformative  Effects  of  Education         How  my  educational  experience  at  the  BGJI  has  affected   me  as  a  musician  and  educator,  and  inspired  me  to   become  more  socially  active       Alex  Johnson   Inspiration  for  Compositions   • Danilo  Perez  Performance  Labs   • Music  and  Social  Activism  Class   • Lessons  and  forums  with  faculty/guest  artists   • “In  Commons”-­‐  written  while  relaxing,  walking  around  and  exploring  Boston   Common  park.   • American  Robin  bird  call=Tenor  sax  motif   • 900  ×  400       “In  Commons”               “In  Commons”     • First  section  simulates  intersection  of  Boston  Common  and   traffic  and  commotion  just  outside  the  park.     • Second  section  represents  natural  beauty  of  the  park/ nature  with  the  minimal  human  interference.       • Free  section  represents  serenity  when  everything  is  quiet   for  a  moment.       “In  Commons”   • Malwina  Masternak-­‐Vocals   • Luke  Norris-­‐Tenor  Saxophone   • Alex  Johnson-­‐Tenor  Saxophone   • Grzegorz  Wlodarczyk-­‐Bass   • Jose  Arturo  Soto  Gamboa-­‐Piano   • Jodie  Michael-­‐Drums   “Prayer  for  Poway”   • Written  in  response  to  shooting  in  my  hometown  of  Poway,  CA.   • Inspired  to  write  tune  from  Social  Activism  class.   • Mixed  feelings  in  the  piece  of  paying  tribute  to  those  affected,  but  also  frustration  over   gun  violence  that  keeps  happening  (last  chord  very  dissonant).   Prayer  for  Poway   • Malwina  Masternak-­‐Vocals   • Alex  Johnson-­‐Tenor  Saxophone   • Grzegorz  Wlodarczyk-­‐Bass   • Jose  Arturo  Soto  Gamboa-­‐Piano   • Jodie  Michael-­‐Drums   Goal  after  graduating  from  BGJI:  Creating   my  own  non-­‐profit  music  organization:     “The  Norwalk  Jazz  All  Stars”   • Mission:  To  expose  middle  school  band  students  in  Los  Angeles  (Norwalk/La  Mirada)  school   districts  to  jazz  through  free  private  lessons  with  professional  musicians,  playing  in  a  jazz   ensemble,  and  having  performance  opportunities  in  the  community  and  area.   Inspiration  for  the  project   • Danilo  Perez  Foundation   • Marco  Pignataro’s  Pedagogy  class   • Music  and  Social  Activism  Class   • The  Harmony  Project,  Mission:  Growth,  Community,   Connection   • The  Jazz  Angels   Why  this  is  important   • Most  of  the  students  come  from  low  income  backgrounds  and   can’t  afford  private  lessons.   • 5  of  the  6  middle  school  music  programs  in  Norwalk/La  Mirada   don’t  have  jazz  bands  or    jazz  combos  at  all,  no  jazz  education.   • Give  students  more  opportunities  to  perform  (not  just  the  usual  3   or  4  concerts  per  school  year)     Vision   • 1st  year-­‐  Create  one  ensemble/big  band  of  30  students   from  around  Norwalk/La  Mirada   • Each  student  gets  a  half  hour  private  lesson  a  week   with  professional  musician   • Program  runs  the  entire  school  year  (September-­‐June)   Vision:  Year  1   • Students  get  at  least  once  a  month  opportunities  to  perform  gigs   at  venues  outside  of  school.   • Students  get  the  opportunity  to  go  a  recording  studio  and  record   an  album.   • At    the  end  of  year,  have  a  big  fundraiser  celebration  concert  to   thank  the  donors  and  receive  donations  for  the  next  year.  Invite   professional  bands  to  perform,  students  sit  in  with  the  pros.   Artet   • Inspired  from  a  Danilo  Performance  Lab  discussing  tetrachords.     • Chord  progression  of  the  song  is  built  on  roots  of  the  notes  of  the  tetrachord   •  Ab  minor  tetrachord  (Ab  Bb  Cb  Db),  progression=  Bbmi7,  AbMa7,  Dbmi7,   Bmi7   • D  major  tetrachord  (D  E  F#  G),  progression=  F#mi7,  GMa7,  EMa7,  DMa7(#11)   Artet   • Alex  Johnson-­‐Tenor  Saxophone   • Grzegorz  Wlodarczyk-­‐Bass   • Agnieszka  Derlak-­‐Piano   • Jodie  Michael-­‐Drums   Like  Someone  in  Love  (Zero  Gravity)   • “Like  Someone  in  Love”  composed  by  Jimmy  Van   Heusen,    Zero  Gravity  style   • I  wanted  to  explore  the  change  in  my  playing   with  being  “more  comfortable  with  being   uncomfortable”.   Like  Someone  in  Love  (Zero   Gravity)   • Alex  Johnson-­‐Tenor  Saxophone   • Grzegorz  Wlodarczyk-­‐Bass   • Agnieszka  Derlak-­‐Piano   • Jodie  Michael-­‐Drums   • Bibliography   10  Mar.  2019                                                                                                                 • 12  Mar.  2019           • 7    Apr.  2019       • 13    Apr.  2019       Thank  You!   • Danilo  Perez-­‐Artistic  Director  BGJI   • Marco  Pignataro-­‐Managing  Director  BGJI   • Allan  Chase-­‐Advisor   • Roya  Hu-­‐Committee  member   • Faculty/Guest  Artists   • My  wife  and  family   • All  the  students  at  the  BGJI