Battle with the Tarnhag Excerpt from Beowulf By Daniel Hwang © 2018 Daniel Hwang HIGH ANGLE Underwater - DAY The depth of this lake is unknown. Bubbles begin to rise out of the abyss with gradual intensity, and gradually a SHAPE begins to emerge. A human…? Two FIGURES: GRENDEL’S MOTHER has BEOWULF locked in tight embrace as they LAUNCH toward the surface. ANGLE ON: Beowulf strains his eyes toward a growing light, teeth clenched. BEOWULF (underwater) Ahhhhhh!! LONG SHOT: Dimly lit CAVERN. Torches sparsely line the wall; piles of treasure here and there; mainly weapons and armor from past victims. On the left wall, there is a pool where…! GRENDEL’S MOTHER leaps out of the water, high into the air. She drops BEOWULF onto the ground. HIGH ANGLE MEDIUM SHOT: BEOWULF tumbles violently and coughs up water. LOW ANGLE SHOT: GRENDEL’S MOTHER arcs gracefully, then lands violently, coiling her TAIL with a threatening HISS. MEDIUM SHOT: BEOWULF rises to his feet and draws his sword. OVER THE SHOULDER LONG SHOT (B): Across the cavern, GRENDEL’S MOTHER (a shadow) rises from her coils. CLOSE-UP: GRENDEL’S MOTHER’s face emerges, her eyes glowing a firey red and her teeth bared in rows of sharp, gleaming white teeth. No words need be spoken. GRENDEL’S MOTHER suddenly SPRINGS forward and BEOWULF rushes forward with the roar. The battle ensues. BEOWULF’s sword, Hrunting, clangs upon the head of GRENDEL’S MOTHER, but has no effect. GRENDEL’S MOTHER appears to have the advantage over BEOWULF. After a series of dodges, parries, and strikes, the two opponents separate to re-establish the fighting ground. MASTER SHOT: The two opponents briefly circle each other. MEDIUM SHOT: BEOWULF throws HRUNTING down in spite, prepares himself to rush back into battle. He remembers his fight with GRENDEL during which no weapons were used, and a flame of bloodlust appears in his eyes. With a shout, he springs forward and grapples with GRENDEL’S MOTHER. He twists around to her back and puts her in a choke hold, but she grabs him with her tail and begins to smash him violently against the ground before throwing him into the wall. CLOSE-UP SHOT: BEOWULF groans, his face bloodied and worn. The sound of slithering appears and BEOWULF is slowly dragged until… TWO-SHOT: GRENDEL’S MOTHER’s TAIL coils tightly around BEOWULF’s LEGS and TORSO until just his HEART and HEAD are exposed. OVER-THE-SHOULDER (GM): GRENDEL’S MOTHER raises a wavy golden knife, the tip pointed threateningly at BEOWULF’S HEART as he prepares for death. Suddenly... LOW-ANGLE: She strikes! CLOSE-UP: BEOWULF shuts his eyes as the blade strikes true. His face relaxes and his eyes open to figure out… ...why he is not dead. His chain mail has saved him! Infuriated, GRENDEL’s MOTHER strikes again, but is once again repelled. Again and again she stabs at his heart, each strike with more fury and passion. Finally she pauses and takes aim for BEOWULF’s...head! CLOSE-UP: At the last moment, BEOWULF moves his head to the side and the dagger glances off his helmet and into her tail. She lets out a blood-curdling shriek as she swiftly uncoils, releasing her victim. MEDIUM SHOT: Beowulf gasps for air and crawls away from the creature. OVER-THE-SHOULDER (B): Beowulf spots an enormous sword whose hilt is sticking out of a pile of spoils. He continues to crawl forward and reaches for it. REVERSE OVER-THE-SHOULDER LONG SHOT (B): GRENDEL’S MOTHER rips the knife out of her tail. And casts a MENACING LOOK toward BEOWULF and begins to approach him. She crouches, preparing to spring forward. BEOWULF firmly grasps the sword, his back still toward her, but feet and knees planted firmly on the ground. She springs! While she is in mid-air, Beowulf swivels around, swings with his sword, and…! WALLOPS her head clean from the body. The WRITHING body of GRENDEL’S MOTHER continues to wobble through the air as it lands heavily on the ground, sliding to a stop with her tail in the air. Finally, with a solid THUMP, the tail is laid to rest. CLOSE-UP: The light from GRENDEL’S MOTHER’s eyes fades away into darkness. MEDIUM SHOT: A panting BEOWULF looks askance at the decapitated body with a look of closure on his face. END