Content • Inspiration • Market Analysis • CLU Products and Services • Business Plan • Next Steps II. Market Analysis Surveys • 3 Surveys (10 questions each) on: • Management • Promotion and Marketing • Music projects • Directed at: • Independent musicians • Producers • Promoters • Managers What are the most important services that a management agency must provide to help Indie projects? “Free lance” III.CLU’s Products and Services Management/Booking Agency Specialized in the Internationalization of Independent Music Artists Based in Mexico City International Network Initial Staff- 3 full time positions Product and services description 1.International artist management, A&R, advising and consulting 2.International PR, marketing and promotion 3.International booking 4.International tour management International Promotion Plan: • Press kit delivered to local contacts: publishers, critics, journalists, venue owners, promoters, etc. • This scenario is for mid-level bands who seek to gain presence within a new market. • The period of this promotion will be 4 weeks. Marketing Mix Plan: • For well known or more experienced independent projects • Mix of traditional and new media channels such as: indie magazines, newspaper columns, Indie web portals, college and internet radio stations, television shows of indie music, music blogs, publicity flyers, etc. • The goal is to be attractive for promoters, venue’s owners, music festivals etc. • The period for the marketing mix plan will be 3 months. • Capitalized interest raised by the promotion strategies • Intermediary between the artist/manager, and promoters and venues owners • Production and technical specification, costs and requirements • Sign/confirm dates, concerts, festivals and tours. • Capitalized interest raised by the promotion strategies • Intermediary between the artist/manager, and promoters and venues owners • Production and technical specification, costs and requirements • Sign/confirm dates, concerts, festivals and tours. • A set of 6 dates booked in a maximum of 30 days • Master mind the production plan and touring logistics • Coordinate receptions and press conferences, show case’s, guest and V.I.P list and run the dayto-day press office activities, insurance terms, etc. u PROMOTION: US$350.00 per one month MARKETING MIX: US$197.00 monthly under a 3 months contract. u BOOKING: 7% of gross income from the artist less taxes u TOUR MANAGEMENT: CLU will only charge for Management and Tour management, a commission rate of 17.5% of the gross income from the artist less taxes Year%1 Activities%based%in%Value%chain Expenses Income%Per% Music% Project Promotion/Marketing%Mix Promotion%plan%1 Marketing%Mix%Plan TOTAL%PROMOTION/MARKETING%MIX%PLAN%PER%PROJECT Touring%(6%concerts) Income%per%show Less%Taxes%(15%)% Income Tour%Management Booking TOTAL%INCOME%PER%MUSIC%PROJECT Tour%Management%17.5%%from%Gross%Income Booking%7%%from%the%Gross%Income Income%one% payment Monthly $%%%%%%350.00 Total $%%%%%%%%350.00 $%%%%%%197.00 $%%%%%%%%591.00 $%%%%%%%%941.00 $%%%5,000.00 $%%30,000.00 $%%%(4,500.00) $%%25,500.00 $%%%%%4,462.50 $%%%%%1,785.00 $%%%%%7,188.50 Year%1 Cost%per% Activities%based%in%Value%chain Expenses Unit Details Monthly Capital%Cost Start%up%cost.%One%payment Registration Mexican%Tax%authority $%%%3,000.00 Permits%&Licenses $%%%%%%730.00 Fixed%cost Prepaid%Insurance Insurance $%%%%%%500.00 Monthly%wages wages 3%wages $%%%%%%500.00 $%%%1,500.00 Equipment Computers 3%21.5Sinch%imacs $%%%1,499.00 Fax Brother%FAX2840 $%%%%%%178.99 Printer Canon%Pixma $%%%%%%143.49 Mobile%phones 3%Galaxi%S4 $%%%%%%529.99 Office%Telephone%System Xblu%X16 $%%%%%%699.99 Audio/audiovisual%eq. Oklahoma%Sound $%%%%%%509.99 Operating% cost Rent Office%space $%%%4,800.00 Internet,%phone,%cable% Services services Verizon $%%%%%%%%79.99 Website Designer $%%%3,000.00 Website%expenses $%%%%%%120.00 Domain%Maintenance Yearly Marketing%and%sales CLU's%Marketng $%%%3,000.00 Miscellaneous% Discretionary $%%%1,000.00 TOTAL%FIXED%COST Yearly% $%%%%%3,000.00 $%%%%%%%%730.00 $%%%%%%%%500.00 $%%18,000.00 $%%%%%4,497.00 $%%%%%%%%178.99 $%%%%%%%%143.49 $%%%%%1,589.97 $%%%%%%%%699.99 $%%%%%%%%509.99 Total $%%%%%3,730.00 $%%%%%%%%500.00 $%%18,000.00 $%%%%%7,619.43 $%%%%%4,800.00 $%%%%%4,800.00 $%%%%%%%%239.88 $%%%%%%%%239.88 $%%%%%3,000.00 $%%%%%%%%120.00 $%%%%%1,200.00 $%%%%%4,320.00 $%%%%%3,000.00 $%%%%%4,000.00 $%%%%%1,000.00 $%%43,209.31 $%%43,209.31 CLU$Management Income$Statement$Y.$1 Revenue $........................ 21,565.50 Expenses Rent.expense Marketing.expense Variable.expense Website.expense TOTAL.Expenses $.......................... 4,000.00 $.......................... 4,800.00 $.......................... 2,610.00 $.......................... 4,320.00 $........................ 15,730.00 NET.INCOME $.......................... 5,835.50 Less.Dividends $.......................... 5,000.00 Retain.earnings. $............................. 835.50