CE, Committee Comments Clara Barabra Aaron “Mansa" Gatlin • Final video: ◦ To start with, I was not sure how the images in the video were connected to the argument in the first part of the video ◦ Second part: It was great to listen to the breakdown of the music so that it linked with the purposes of the project. ◦ Final outcome: connecting it back to you and your growth as an artist. I would have liked to see more of this. • Defence: ◦ Better interiorization of the project (less reading of the defence and more to the point presentation than in the first rehearsal) ◦ Would have liked to have a better intro on the structure of the defence. ◦ Could have practiced the actual defence a bit more so that the mind and body connection and explanation of its benefits was explained with a bit more depth ◦ The defence built on passion as it went! ◦ “Peace" as in “benefits": very personal! GREAT. Good reflections. ◦ Honesty in the things that didn’t work. GREAT ◦ What’s next: would have liked to hear more detailed information about your future plans and how these will be built on what you’ve learned from this first experience. • General Comments ◦ Why is mind and body connection important to YOU and how you as a DJ will experiment/ research to make sure that you understand what each of the movement medicine techniques you mention do for participants so you can create music that directly connects to those sensations? Well done and thank you for having me in your committee! Clara. x Clara Barberá Director of Student AffairsBerklee Valencia Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia (Anexo Sur) Avda Profesor Lopez Piñero, 1 46013 Valencia (Spain) Liz Teutsch Final Video: • Overall, much better executed • Like the shots of you, perhaps too much of you on roof • Some of pacing of VO off • VO buried at times, level varies — too low when going through pacing/explanation of set • Excellent to include an explanation of the trajectory of the set • I’d like to know more about exactly *why* you chose the music, getting into psychological and physiological • Audio quality significantly improved Final Presentation: • Also much improved! Great implementation of feedback from first presentation • Good explanation of all elements, particularly why this project is meaningful to you General Comments/Questions: • You mentioned the self-fulfillment. Do you think this is something you could have foreseen this issue beforehand and if so, why didn’t you and how could you have addressed it? ◦ A: It seems like you had big plans, but cut things way back. My sense is that this had to do with preproduction, time management, and confidence. Self-awareness on this will help you address this issue in the future. • I think that you could have challenged yourself even more in this project. This plays into your answer above. Keep in mind the lessons learned as you move forward in this project. All of that said, I love the authenticity of your project. I hope you continue with it and also hope that you keep me posted on is progress. Congrats! Liz Teutsch Director of Academic Technology Associate Professor Berklee College of Music, Valencia Campus valencia.berklee.edu Phone Spain +34 96.333.28.02 Ext. 3435 Phone U.S. +1 617.266.1400 Ext. 3435 Ian Kagey Video • Better audio for sure. • Video is more focused on the CE, which is good. • Narration could be a little tighter in the scripting. • Like having the description of how you built the sounds, could happen a little more concisely. Presentation • Better use of sparse text, better animated text. Wait to trigger some of them until you speak about them. For example the how slide you launched ll the topics before you spoke of them. • Make you points a little more concise, the subject matter makes sense and relates, but often times you could express you idea in fewer words. General • I want to see you produce original music for these events. • I want to see you have more interactive videos that you can manipulate more. • For the projections if you want to have it as a light source, then there is likely better source material to use or better yet to use the tools you now know to create you own visuals, such as jitter, premier, or aftereffects. Ian Kagey Chief Engineer/Assistant Professor Berklee College of Music, Valencia Campus valencia.berklee.edu ikagey@berklee.edu Phone: +34 674 093 089 Stephen Webber Video • Some very nice shots at the top • Not sure walking with your hands in your pockets is the best B-roll • The VO could be louder and a bit more intelligible • It was nice to hear about the different Riddems - I'm glad you talked some about what was going on in the yoga part of while you were describing them • Could have talked a bit more about the collaborative aspects of the project in the video Presentation • Started with some gratitude • Prezi - animating your text, which is good • What - How • Mental health & Physic health started getting a little off topic here, but it was fun to hear you talk about these topics, which are obviously important to you • The Prezi helped to get you through the points you want to make - it felt a little like you were rambling at time Content of the WORK • Fitness Medicine - What does fitness mean to you? What activity do you like to do. • The event itself was good, if a bit light • You obviously have done a lot of analysis • I encourage you to do a lot more of this - get as much experience as possible • Don't just think about "Part 2" - DJ for as many Yoga classes and fitness classes as possible OVERALL NOTES Nice work, Mansa. I feel as though you are on to something here. This feels a little light for a CE, but it is definitely enough to pass. I look forward to you getting out there and doing a lot more of this. FINAL GRADE: B Stephen Webber Director, Music Technology Innovation Senior Advisor, Technology and Strategy Berklee Valencia+34 609 334 226 --