Alejandra Menéndez – CE Presentation July 2nd 2014! Global Entertainment and Music Business! Index   • Introduction: What is TEDx?! • The Project Outline! • Why TEDx & me?! • Phases experimented! • D-Day !! • Next Steps! • Learning Outcomes ! • Conclusion! Introduction What is TEDx? The Project Outline TEDxBerkleeValencia – Creative Catalyst! World Music Day – Saturday June 21st! Aula Magistral – Palau de las Artes Reina Sofía ! Organized by Faculty & Students of Berklee College of Music! Initial Role: Marketing Department! !   • 4 hour event: 4pm – 8pm! • Sold out – 370 capacity venue! • Approximate Attendees 350! • 13 Speakers & 4 performers from 9 different countries! • Featuring a variety of disciplines:! Design ! Film & videogame composition! Community work ! Contemporary dance ! Percussion! Empowerment coaching etc.! Why me & TEDx? Outlook on music industry shaped by personal and professional experience: Music made the challenge of growing up in different cultures productive and enriching from an early age! TED’s slogan is “Ideas Worth Spreding” = Culture! Position as Global Content Manager at Ticketbis:! Provided skills to manage conflicting goals challenging environments ! The leap from a multinational corporation to a start-up company:! Need to adjust rapidly to a dynamic environment marked by problem resolution ! Handling a growing international 13 people team ! Develop leadership and effective communication skills ! Phase 1: The Embryo or . . . Anarchy   • Shaping the event: Much ado about nothing! • Weekly meetings and interdepartmental meetings during months:! – • Unproductive and demotivating ! Miscellaneous tasks regarding Marketing: ! – Marketing Proposal! – Budget Estimation / Marketing Expenses! – Research for Gift Bag, T-shirts etc.! – Website Design! – Logo brainstorm and research! – Contacting Sponsors! Phase 2: Unplugged   • General and contagious demotivation:! – Unhealthy and dangerous team dynamic! • Efforts to reboot the spirit of a great opportunity and interesting project:! – Individual “attacks” to discover what each members expectations were, to try and fulfill their expectations! • Difficult and challenging decisions:! – The importance of establishing priorities! • First direct approach to Project Manager:! – CE vs. TEDx > Late approach! ! ! Phase 3: The Science of Adaptation   • April, May and June: ! – Restructuring team roles and distribution of tasks: Raffles don’t work!! • Supervising and consultant tasks for the rest of the team:! – How to write a press release, email communications with Boston team, email campaign to English community, TEDx community, Promotional videos, street campaign with letters (posting posters, handing fliers), improving the website to make it more user friendly, ticketing promotions etc. • ! Adapting Social Media for an undefined target! Holding the x . . . Phase 4: The Science of Re-Adaptation   • Ticketing chaos 2 days before the event! • Multitasking: ! – Transporting material to and from the venue! – Finding solutions to problems: Linoleum! – Contacting Spanish network – Favor time !! – Supervising content creation and human frustrations! – Contacting VIPs and key persons in Valencian Community! • Dealing with own personal frustrations! D-Day !!! • Huge success ! • Smooth event: Great feedback! • General tasks involved in producing an event! • Ticketing Coordination! • Organizing volunteers! • VIP contact! • Creative solutions to unexpected problems! ! Next Steps 1. Follow up on attendees: Analyze effect of Marketing Strategies implemented on ticket sales! 2. Meet with Financial Manager to clear ticket revenue! 3. Create Database with contact info > Mailing list! 1. Track all attendees and their contact details! 4. Create a user guide for following years! 5. Upload all audiovisual content ! 1. Website ! 2. Social media! 3. Create Flikr account! 6. Social Media: Keep them active by interacting with fans during the year! 7. Negotiate with Berklee > Support to generate awareness and increase fan base! 8. Go over TED rules / guidelines to avoid unexpected issues: IP management etc.! 9. If possible, redo the whole website! ! ! Learning Outcomes 1. Dealing with colleagues in a professional environment > Get to know who you want to work with! 2. New friendships, breaks and projects! 3. Human behavior study! ! Learning Outcomes 4. Clear the future path > No start-ups for the time being! 5. Better understanding of Berklee Valencia’s internal structure! 6. Another experience to turn threats into opportunities, turning innovative and positive attitudes towards difficulties produce great results ! 7. Conclusion: Any experience can be enriching, depending on your own attitude. So…! Always look on the bright side of life . . .