MB-­‐695  Culminating  Experience                   Jennifer  Buglione     Reflective  Paper               Summary       My   culminating   experience,   also   known   as   my   thesis,   is   a  Research  Paper   that   asks   the  question:  How  to  Use  Digital  Currency  as  a  Music  Industry  Standard.  The  paper  will   be   broken   up   into   four   parts:   Literature  Review,  Methodology,  Results/Discussion  and   Additional   Stories.   I  will  analyze  the  history  and  use  of  digital  currency/crypto  currency   and   digital   payments.   I   will   investigate   which   companies   within   the   music   industry   show   innovation  in  this  field.    At  the  end  of  the  paper  and  my  research  I  will  formulate  my  own   hypothesis  and  conclusion  about  how  and  if  we  can  use  digital  currency.       Process   When   I   came   to   Berklee   I   had   the   grand   idea   to   bring   a   streaming   arm   into   the   traditional   record   label.   Apparently   this   type   of   situation   had   been   done   already,   at   least   somewhat  done  by  Universal  and  after  being  in  Entrepreneurship  &  Innovation,  I  realized   the  value  proposition  was  weak.  As  I  began  to  let  go  of  that  idea,  I  knew  that  I  wanted  to   work  for  myself.  I  wanted  to  create  a  company  that  would  bring  about  a  new  culture  and   new  way  of  thinking.  I  wanted  to  be  a  disruptor  but  most  importantly  I  wanted  to  be  my   own  boss.  Since  the  program  is  divided  by  different  sectors  I  felt  I  was  most  interested  in   taking   the   Emerging   Business   Models   practicum.   It   seemed   like   the   best   choice   for   me   seeing  as  how  I  wanted  to  reinvent  the  wheel  of  the  industry.  Before  the  practicum  would   take   place,   I   needed   a   larger   and   more   global   perspective   of   the   entertainment   industry   from   the   business   side   of   things.   As   Perrin’s   Economics   of   Global   Entertainment   class   began,   I   read   more   of   The   Economist   and   stumbled   upon   Bitcoin.   Eventually   we   were   presented  with  a  Harvard  Business  case  that  focused  on  digital  payment  systems  where  the   future   lies   within   the   system.   The   case   broke   down   how   we’ve   become   a   more   digital   society  from  using  cash  to  now,  cards  and  even  the  potential  that  Bitcoin  presents.  I  began   to   develop   an   obsession   with   Bitcoin.   The   obsession   with   Bitcoin   would   eventually   turn   into  my  thesis.  Bitcoin  is  a  digital  currency  that  made  a  big  splash  in  2009  by  an  anonymous   group   or   person   that   went   by   the   name   of   Satoshi   Nakamoto.   It   peaked   in   worth   during   2011  where  1  BTC  (Bitcoin)  was  worth  $1,100.  As  the  years  went  by  more  and  more  people   used  Bitcoin  and  started  to  see  its  true  potential,  as  I  did.  Bitcoin  dropped  more  than  half   and   was   involved   in   serious   legal   issues.   I   began   to   scour   the   Internet   trying   to   understand   the  hype  and  why  the  tech  community  used  the  currency.    It  was  simple,  Bitcoin  not  only   provided   a   simple,   transparent   way   to   pay   for   items   but   it   was   global.   Bitcoin   research   brought   me   to   the   blockchain,   the   engine   behind   Bitcoin,   and   a   key   feature   that   makes   Bitcoin   unique.   My   mind   buzzed   with   so   many   ideas   as   I   tried   to   think   of   ways   to   use   Bitcoin   and   the   blockchain.   As   I   made   my   way   to   school   one   day   I   had   an   epiphany.   What   if   we   could   use   the   protocol   that   powers   Bitcoin   and   automatically   embed   it   into   music   or   any  form  of  entertainment  therefore  quantifying  or  putting  a  proper  value  to  the  time  spent   when  consuming  and  engaging  media,  all  media.     Enter,  the  Emerging  Business  Practicum  where  we  developed  a  business  plan  for  a   business  you  were  interested  in  creating.  I  came  up  with  Coinvergence  a  software  company   that   allows   the   blockchain   to   be   embedded.   I   figured   since   I   was   going   to   develop   a   business   plan   I   should   do   a   business   plan   for   a   culminating   experience.   Instead,   I   thought   I   could   define   a   more   strategic   approach   by   participating   in   research.   Academic   research   presented  in  the  proper  way  can  be  extremely  valuable  especially  as  it  relates  to  a  subject   that   is   still   quite   emerging.   If   I   packaged   it   in   a   digestible   format,   I   might   be   able   to   revamp   the   buzz.   I   also   felt   that   I   could   use   the   research   to   prove   or   disprove   the   need   and   existence  of  Coinvergence.  Though  the  business  plan  of  Coinvergence  needs  to  be  fleshed   out  more,  the  biggest  weakness  of  the  plan  is  the  lack  of  technological  skill  and  expertise,   aka  it  can  be  done  in  theory  but  I  can’t  physically  make  the  software.  I  needed  a  Software   Developer  or  some  kind  of  coder  to  help  create  the  vision  for  Coinvergence.  This  also  gave   me  yet  another  reason  why  I  decided  to  work  on  a  research  paper.    I  could  expose  myself  to   some  of  the  smartest  developers  informally  and  academically.     Once   I   committed   to   the   research   paper   the   next   step   was   to   figure   out   my   research   question.   I   learned   that   depending   on   the   type   of   research   question   could   determine   the   type   of   methodology   I   would   use   to   answer   the   question.     After   partaking   in   some   heavy   research  and  really  exploring  the  entire  crypto  currency  landscape  with  a  granular  lens,  I   can  now  say  that  I’m  well  versed  in  the  language  and  ecosystem.    I  can  also  explain  some  of   the  technological  complexities  in  the  crypto  world  that  most  may  not  understand.  My  initial   research  led  me  to  use  ‘HOW.‘  How  can  we  use  digital  currency?  How  can  we  make  digital   currency   a   standard?   How   can   we   use   the   technology   that   powers   digital   currency   in   disruptive   ways?   These   were   the   types   of   questions   I   began   to   ask   myself   during   the   Literature   Review   of   my   research   paper.   As   I   wrote   the   questions,   I   began   to   formulate   some   early   conclusions   about   where   the   research   could   take   me.     The   question   of   HOW   brought  me  to  the  fact  that  I  would  conduct  qualitative  research  instead  of  quantitative.  It’s   important  to  hear  opinions  of  the  few  renowned  experts  versus  the  masses  because  of  the   subject  matter.  Digital  and  crypto  currency  enthusiasts  are  a  growing  niche  that  I  want  to   be  part  of  so  I  started  to  follow  those  kinds  of  executives  on  Twitter  as  well  as  troll  posts  on   Reddit  to  insure  I  was  part  of  the  conversation.     After   a   bulk   of   the   Literature   Review   had   been   done,   I   flagged   some   of   the   key   players   and   companies   in   what   I   identified   as   three   important   industries   that   needed   to   connect  in  my  paper:  Finance,  Technology  and  Music.    Doing  this  allowed  me  to  choose  two   different  companies  (PeerTracks   &   SongCoin)  to  profile  and  write  an  academic  case  study   as  part  of  my  culminating  experience.  I  chose  PeerTracks  and  SongCoin  because  they  had   unique   business   models   and   used   Bitcoin   in   more   than   one   way.   I   searched   everything   I   could,  to  possibly  uncover  the  most  important  facts  about  these  two  companies.  Through   my   searching   I   discovered   that   PeerTracks   was   set   to   be   at   Midem,   which   gave   me   the   opportunity  to  take  my  research  further.  Not  only  was  the  President  of  PeerTracks  talking   about  the  blockchain  technology  at   Midem  but  also  there  were  a  couple  panels  that  were   dedicated   to   everything   I   intended   to   speak   about   in   my   research.   I   sought   to   interview   PeerTracks  President,  Cedric  Cobban  along  with  the  creation  of  a  case  study  because  I  felt  it   could   make   the   research   stronger   overall.   As   Midem   approached   in   the   beautiful   French   Riviera,   I   had   to   connect   with   each   of   the   speakers   that   were   talking   about   Bitcoin,   cryptocurrency  and  blockchain  technology,  which  I  did.       Returning  from  Midem,  on  a  career  inspiration,  I  realized  I  had  a  lot  to  do.  The  next   step   in   the   research   was   to   summarize   the   literature   review   followed   by   create   a   list   of   questions  needed  to  conduct  qualitative  interviews  with  my  team  of  experts.    My  team  of   experts   consists   of   a   range   of   people   across   the   three   industries   identified   earlier.   The   preliminary  steps  had  been  taken  and  now  it’s  about  the  final  portion,  which  is  to  write  and   conclude  everything  that  I’ve  learned  as  well  as  giving  my  opinions.         Results  –  Align  with  expectations   As  I  engulfed  myself  in  research  I  became  more  biased  and  more  apt  to  argue  on  the   side   of   decentralization   of   our   banking   systems.   In   terms   of   how   my   expectations   were   managed,   I’d   say   I   expected   this   amount   of   work   for   a   research   paper.   I   definitely   expected   to   become   deflated   during   the   process   because   the   subject   involves   Economics   (not   my   strongest   subject)   and   tons   of   technical   jargon   I   wasn’t   prepared   for.     I   needed   to   have   a   simple  understanding  on  how  one  can  create  currency  out  of  thin  air  and  that  threw  me  for   a  loop.    In  the  beginning  of  the  paper,  I  stated  that  I  wanted  to  create  a  business  plan  for  my   CE.  What  put  the  nail  in  the  coffin  for  me  on  not  creating  a  business  plan  as  my  CE  is  the   fact   that   an   expert   developer   told   me   Coinvergence   simply   couldn’t   be   done.   That   really   deterred  me.  I  heard  different  opinions  on  how  to  create  something  like  Coinvergence.       Next  Steps   The   next   and   most   important   step   is   to   use   the   research   as   a   starting   point   to   position   me   as   an   expert   but   also   to   explore   opportunities   to   connect   with   the   right   people   in   the   sector.   I’d   like   to   create   a   one-­‐sheet   highlighting   key   points,   final   conclusion   and   interviews   to   be   used   for   press   purposes.   I’ll   use   my   work   experience   from   the   Public   Relations  and  Media  industry  to  help  me  create  a  press  pitch.  I’ll  use  the  contacts  that  I’ve   made  throughout  this  year  to  help  indirectly  or  directly  promote  my  research.  One  of  the   first  media  outlets  I  plan  to  target  is  Billboard  and  CoinDesk.com.  I’ll  look  to  talk  about  my   findings   within   my   virtual   community   on   Twitter   and   LinkedIn.   The   plan   is   to   generate   enough  buzz  where  I  can  gain  more  social  capital  in  the  Bitcoin  and  blockchain  community.       Contribution  to  the  discipline  and  profession   While Taylor Swift continues to dominate the music business by penning open letters and streaming continues to be the main form of how we consume media, researching new ways to change the music industry should be at the forefront of innovation. This type of academic research contributes to the music industry as a whole because se if we can prove that using digital currency should be an important staple in then we may be on the precepous of a game changer. Additionally this may re-oil an old machine to find new ways to gain revenue from recorded music. Research can help implement a new culture and at minimum investigate.     Impact  and  Final  Thoughts   One   of   the   biggest   impacts   that   this   research   had   on   me   was   the   learning   curve.   I   jumped  into  a  very  technologically  based  industry  that  I  had  zero  prior  knowledge  about.  It   also   challenged   me   because   I   had   to   stick   with   it   and   continue   with   enthusiasm   and   passion.    I  also  became  biased  to  think  that  Bitcoin  could  revolutionize  not  only  the  music   industry  BUT  it  has  the  potential  to  completely  change  how  we  pay  for  goods  and  services   as   a   society,   as   a   country   and   even   as   a   planet.     That   idealistic   mindset   came   to   a   halt   when   my  research  showed  me  that  Bitcoin  has  a  finite  amount  in  circulation  and  it’s  expected  to   be   in   circulation   within   the   next   few   years.   However,   the   code   that   currency   lives   on   is   open   sourced   which   means   at   any   moment,   some   genius   can   change   it.   It   would   take   super   powerful   and   smart   computers   and   designers.   Eventually   though,   I   saw   the   beauty   in   Bitcoin   and   every   other   cryptocurrency   because   of   the   revolutionizing   blockchain   technology.   The   blockchain   technology   started   to   pop   up   more   and   more   and   makes   me   believe  in  some  of  the  conclusions  that  I  made  in  the  research  paper.       I  felt  like  I  needed  more  time  to  explore  into  the  combining  of  these  three  industries.     Simultaneous  to  that,  I  also  didn’t  use  my  time  correctly  either.  At  the  end  of  the  day,  my   interest   and   research   has   presented   me   with   a   potential   job   opportunity   as   well   as   increasing  my  Rolodex  in  the  crypto  space.