The Hero! Script! ! ! ! This is an animation movie about a hero that has to save his people from the enemies. The hero is called Bartok and he is dexterous, smart and is a very skillful with weapons. The story is set on an ancient world (similar to the world of the people of the Incas) where two rival tribes are at war between each other. There are beautiful landscapes with mountains and plains. ! Both tribes has been fighting for ages. Bartok antagonist in Milos, a brave warrior form the rival tribe and once again they meet each other in this new war. After a long period of piece between the two tribes there has been a misunderstanding about territories’ boundaries: an expedition from Bartok’s tribe has been accused to have passed the boundary without the required permit and because of this one man has been killed. in response to this act Bartok’s tribe decide to go to war. Bartok knows what to do to stop the war definitively; he has to go inside the holy/cursed temple and find the sacred necklace that is said will bring piece and prosperity to the entire humanity. But during his journey to the temple he encounters his rival Milos that is waiting for him.! The movie begins with the fight between the two warriors that are facing each other on a mountain. The fight is ferocious but at the end Bartok manage to defeat his enemy. After he enters into the temple, where he faces the real treat. The mysterious temple is not only full of traps but it is a path that leads the person who enters to lose his mind and his identify if is not strong enough to believe in himself. Bartok faces this loss but with his courage and dexterity manages to defeat the spirit of the temple and to find the sacred necklace saving his people from the war. ! ! ! (0:00)! ! The movie begins on a mountain where the two warriors are facing each other and they are ready for a big battle. ! the fight is very rough and the two rivals are trading each other hits, and for now there is no clear winner. ! ! ! (0:25)! ! Milos catches Bartok off guard and throws him to the brink of a precipice. Milos smiles and slowly walks toward Bartok to give him the final blow. It seems that there is no hope for Bartok, clinging with one hand and without any weapon, but when Milos is near enough he makes an incredible jump that climb over his enemy and is ready to continue the fight.! ! ! (0:51)! ! Bartok easily manages to disarm Milos and now they fight with bare hands. After few hits now seems clear that Bartok is stronger and is winning. ! ! ! (1:08)! ! Now Milos is on the precipice and begins to fear for his life. Bartok feels that and with great determination continues to hit his opponent, and finally mange to throw him down the precipice. ! ! ! (1:16)! ! Bartok wins this fight but the war is not over. He knows that to put an end to all of this there is only a way; he has go inside the “holy-cursed tempe” and find the sacred necklace that will restore the peace and hope in humanity. ! ! ! (1:32)! ! So he immediately goes to the temple. The temple is known for its mysteries and traps of all kind. It is also said that the temple tests the contenders by making them fighting against their own mind. ! Bartok is aware of all the legends but he has no choice and goes inside. Everything is dark and mysterious, he finally finds a torch but still he has to walk very carefully to avoid traps and to not get lost. After a while that he is inside, he begins to have a strange feeling like if someone (an invisible entity) is following him. So he draws his sword and begins to hit randomly in the air trying to catch this invisible enemy. ! ! ! (1:49)! ! Doing this makes him lose focus, and as a result he loses torch; so now he feels even more lost, and has mixed feeling. A part of him is scared because of the darkness and the invisible enemy but the other part (the hero) tells him to not give up. ! ! ! (2:10)! ! He finally find himself again and begins to realize that everything that happened to him was the temple’s curse. There was no invisible enemy and everything happened in his mind. ! In the very moment he discovers the secret of the temple, he turns on the left and see the necklace into the middle of big enlightened room. ! ! (2:28)! ! He finally takes the necklace, and when he wears it, his body begins to feel different and so his mind. Slowly a divine light begins to spread from the temple toward the sky. ! ! ! (2:42)! ! When the light reach the sky suddenly the entire landscape change color and all the men that were fighting outside begin to look to the sky and soon after they drop all the weapons and the war is over.