Presents           (The  Season  Finale)                                 “A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review”       With:  Rozelle  McBarnette                               TROZ  Music  Publishing  Overview   TROZ  Music  Publishing  is  a  Limited  Liability  Company  based  in  Grenada   W.I  that  focuses  on  serving  music  users  and  creators  in  the  Caribbean  as  well  as   USA   territories.     Since   its   inception,   it   has   expanded   to   include   offices   in   New   York,  USA  as  well  as  Valencia,  Spain.       TMP   caters   to   the   people   and   to   the   music   allowing   business   to   seamlessly   transpire.   We   aim   to   make   the   musical   lives   of   everyone   we   encounter   a   little   easier.   Additionally,   we   educate   Artists   on   alternate   revenue   sources  for  musicians  and  share  the  best  of  their  art  with  the  world.   The  activities  involved  include  but  are  not  limited  to:     1. Creation.   Following   and   listening   to   new   songs.   Meeting   new   Artists.   Developing   up-­‐and-­‐coming   writers.   Producing   Demos.   Pairing   writers   with   other   writers   and  producers.   Finding   new   uses   for   existing   songs   in  an  Artist's  catalogue.   2. ADMINISTRATION.  Filing   copyright   forms.   Filing   notices   with   the   Performing  Rights  Organisations   (PRO's).   Collecting   mechanical   royalties  from  record  companies.  Filing  notices  with  agencies  to  collect   for  them.  Paying  writer  royalties.   3. ROYALTY   COLLECTION.   We   receive   revenue  from   mechanical,   synchronization   and   licenses   and   prepare  payments   to   songwriters   and   sub-­‐publishing.     A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 2 of 11       4.                   PROMOTION.  Finding  songs  needed  by  producers,  managers  and  A&R   reps   for   their   artists.   Finding   new   projects   that   may   need   new   songs.   Sending   demos   to   producers   and   artists'   managers.   Keeping   record   of   which  producers  hold  which  songs.   5. PROFESSIONAL.   Negotiating   contracts   with   writers,   producers,   artists   and  managers.  Granting  licenses.  Maintaining  contacts  with  foreign  sub-­‐ publishers.   Soliciting   catalogue   for   use   in   film,   venues   and   organisations.                       A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 3 of 11                         The  Process…   STEP  ONE   Obtain  a  business  license  from  local  authorities.   -­‐  The  company  needs  a  name  and  address.     -­‐  Ensure  it  is  a  name  not  already  in  use.     STEP  TWO   Apply  for  membership  in  a  Performing  Rights  Organization.   -­‐  Request  the  necessary  information.   -­‐  Apply  to  ASCAP     STEP  THREE   Prepare  standard  contracts  for  use  with  music  artists,  composers,  licensees  and   other  potential  sellers,  buyers  and  owners  of  music  products.       STEP  FOUR   Open  a  Business  Bank  Account   -­‐ Direct  deposit  from  ASCAP  into  Bank  of  America   -­‐ In  Grenada,  National  Commercial  Bank     STEP  FIVE   Contact  The  Harry  Fox  Agency  to  request  information  and  an  application.   - They  will  issue  mechanical  &  digital  licenses     - They  will  collect  money  on  the  company’s  behalf   A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 4 of 11                         STEP  SIX   Acquire  artists     - Pitch  TROZ  Music  to  various  artists   - Negotiate  contracts  with  songwriters       STEP  SEVEN   Copyright  acquired  songs  with  the  United  States  Copyright  Office.     STEP  EIGHT   Register  the  music  copyrights  with  the  affiliated  performing  rights  organization.     STEP  NINE   Prepare  a  music  catalog     STEP  TEN   Market  the  company’s  services     -­‐   Restaurants,   Venues,     Radio,   Bars,   Retailers     STEP  ELEVEN   License  the  songs  in  the  catalogue     -   Set  fees  for  usage  /  Negotiate  contracts     STEP  TWELVE   Receive  royalties  from  the  affiliated  PRO   -­‐  Distribute  the  necessary  royalties  to  contracted  songwriters   A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 5 of 11                         The  Result   A   rapidly   growing   Music   Publishing   Company   speeding   down   the   road   to   success.   A   Company   eager   to   thrive   in   the   next   generation   of   music   publishing,   traversing   the   long   structured   terrain   with   an   open   willingness   to   new   opportunities  and  fresh  perspectives,  in  terms  of  function  and  operation.       When   considering   the   “12   step”   process   of   getting   to   TROZ   Music   Publishing;   this   project   was   a   complete   and   utter   success.   I   am   extraordinarily   pleased   with   the   outcome   of   this   project   and   would   gladly   do   it   all   over   again   should   the   moment   present   itself.   The   TROZ   Music   Publishing   team   currently   comprises  four  musicians  who  are  Berklee  College  of  Music  alumni.     For  the  most  part,  this  project  fully  aligned  with  my  initial  expectation.  I   was   able   to   acquire   artists   and   negotiate   deals   with   multiple   others   currently   pending.   Additionally,   I   was   fortunate   enough   to   be   put   in   touch   with   hotel   chains  such  as  Sandals,  most  or  all  of  which  we  aim  to  have  playing  music  from   our   catalogue.   It   exceeded   my   expectation   when   I   was   able   to   hire   Berklee   College  of  Music  Alumni  from  the  Berklee  Music  Network.    This  is  a  step  I  wish  I   had  thought  of  and  executed  earlier  in  the  course  of  the  project.       Where   this   project   did   not   align   with   my   expectations   is   culturally.   The   surprise  here  is  that  the  particular  culture  happens  to  be  my  own.  I  was  caught   off  guard  by  a  combination  of  the  unwillingness  of  many  Artists  in  Grenada  to  be   published   and   their   lack   of   interest   in   discovering   what   it   means   to   have   your   music  published.  However,  I  have  realized  that  the  answer  lies  simply  in  showing   them  how  it  works  and  demonstrating  that  TMP  can  be  a  success  before  they  are   convinced  to  join.  This  will  be  in  addition  to  the  education  factor.   A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 6 of 11                                                 The  Next  Step     All   year   long,   students   worry,   complain,   fret   and   panic   over   this   very   topic.   While   at   one   point   or   another   I   am   equally   guilty   of   the   same   and   undoubtedly  will  be  again,  in  this  isolated  moment  of  my  life,  I  am  not.       As  stated  in  the  very  first  proposal  of  TROZ  Music  Publishing,  I  intended   to  create  a  project  that  had  the  potential  to  outlive  the  life  of  the  Master  program   so   that   I   may   leave   with   more   than   a   degree.   I   have   done   just   that.   TMP   is   a   member   of   the   AIMP   (Association   of   Independent   Music   Publishers),   has   had   press   releases,   brochures,   a   website,   a   growing   social   media   presence,   a   physical   office   and   will   grow   and   develop   with   the   vast   network   of   resources   the   world   has  to  offer.       So   rinse,   lather   and   repeat.   I   will   continue   to   acquire   songwriters   and   artists   on   behalf   of   TROZ   Music   Publishing   and   collect   the   money   paid   from   getting   the   music   to   be   used   as   often   as   possible   in   as   many   ways   as   possible.   One  of  the  most  crucial  of  the  next  steps  involves  hiring  more  members  to  add  to   the  TMP  team.  This  would  consist  of  individuals  working  from  their  home  offices   in  Spain,  London,  USA  and  in  the  Caribbean.  It  all  starts  with  acquiring  the  songs.   Another  component  to  consider  in  the  next  step  is  the  possibility  of  integrating  a   consultation  aspect  to  the  functions  of  TMP.     Eventually,  I  would  like  TROZ  Music  to  get  to  a  point  where  it  can  safely   run  itself  without  my  daily  attendance  and  micromanagement.  Just  its’  wits  and   my   mere   guidance.     By   this   time   I   hope   to   be   humbly   and   ever   so   graciously   accepting  a  position  in  LA  that  I  was  offered  during  MIDEM.       A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 7 of 11                         TROZ  Music  Publishing  Gives  Back…       “TROZ   Music   Publishing   is   Grenada’s   premier   Music   Publishing   Company”,  confirm  current    and  former  representatives  of  the  Eastern  Caribbean   Collective   Organisation   for   Music   Rights   (ECCO),  Ms.   Linda   Straker   and   Dr.   Peter   Radix.  We  educate  Artists  on  alternate  revenue  sources  for  musicians  and  share   the   best   of   their   work   with   the   world.     In   addition,   TMP   will   work   with   artists   when  necessary  to  aid  in  the  creative  progression  of  their  work.     Networking   within   the   industry   plays   an   integral   role   in   the   development   of   the   company.   This   is   a   point   of   focus   so   that   we   may   eventually   become   a   networking   hub   capable   of   making   connections   among   artists,   songwriters,   performers   and   other   industry   insiders.   An   example   of   this   is   uniting   the   artist   “Coco”  with  the  music  creating  talents  of  Bret  Ewen.  It  is  the  intention  that  from   this  heavy  focus  on  networking  a  new  model  for  music  publishing  shall  emerge     TMP   will   provide   a   voice   to   musicians   with   the   talent   to   create   quality   music  but  who  may  not  have  the  time,  social  or  business  savvy  to  get  their  music   out  to  the  masses.  Not  only  will  their  music  be  displayed  on  a  greater  scale,  but   music  lovers  from  other  parts  of  the  world  will  also  have  the  opportunity  to  be   exposed  to  new  or  different  music  to  which  they  previously  may  not  have  been   accustomed.       Furthermore,   TMP   is   scheduled   to   host   workshops   in   Grenada   in   collaboration   with   the   ECCO,   in   hopes   of   raising   awareness   about   the   fair   and   legal  forms  of  music  consumption  as  well  as  more  informative  forums  covering   topics  incorporating  and  related  to  Music  Publishing.     A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 8 of 11                           High  Impact     Let’s   not   immediately   think   of   the   impact   on   the   student   completing   the   work,  rather,  the  impact  on  the  work  completing  the  student.  The  past  (almost)   year   working   on   TROZ   Music   Publishing   has   added   the   finesse   to   what   previously   some   would   refer   to   as   an   entrepreneurial   spirit.   It   has   attached   an   extra   layer   of   substance   and   qualification   to   the   underlying   ‘je   ne   sais   quois’,   simultaneously   transforming   and   creating   not   just   someone   who   maybe,   could   be,  some  day,  if  they  tried  really  hard,  had  a  shot  at  succeeding  in  business.  No.   This  has  far  been  surpassed.  That  transformation  created  an  ENTREPRENEUR.  It   has   always   been   in   my   heart   and   soon   it   will   be   on   paper   that   I,   (pause   for   dramatic  effect)  AM,  A  MASTER!       In  terms  of  the  impact  on  this  student,  I  believe  I  have  learned  and  had  the   opportunity   to   further   learn   and   practice   the   fine   art   of   balancing   and   prioritizing.   It   showed   me   that   a   few   of   my   natural   qualities   could   be   rather   useful  when  applied  specifically  to  music  business  industry.       Because  my  new  Company  was  my  CE,  it  also  forced  some  humility  upon   me.   It   would   be   in   bad   taste   to   say   the   least,   to   pressure,   push   or   manipulate   anyone   into   signing   anything   if   they   were   not   completely   comfortable   with   the   terms,  and  it  would  be  a  terrible  way  to  start  the  relationship.  I  was  figuratively   taken  out  of  school  and  put  in  the  position  to  realize  that  I  do  not  need  to  rush  or   hustle   to   seemingly   have   an   impressive   project   of   a   certain   number   of   artists,   employees   or   sub   publishers.   More   importantly,   I   got   what   I   sought   from   the   beginning;  a  solid  foundation  for  a  Music  Publishing  Company  to  go  along  with   my  degree.   A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 9 of 11                             Bibliography             Brabec,   Todd  &  Brabec,  Jeff,  2008  "Songwriter  and  Music  Publisher  Agreements:"  2008.  Accessed  22  Nov.  2013.­‐ career/articlesadvice/industrynotes/200809.aspx     Farr,   Connie.   "ThinkSync   Music."  Music  in  films,  TV,  commercials  &  games.   2013.     Accessed  22  Jan.  2014.     Lindvall,   Helienne.   "Behind   the   music:   Publishing   deals   explained."   Guardian   News   and   Media,   23   Oct.   2008.   Accessed   14   Jan.   2014.­‐ the-­‐music-­‐publishing-­‐deal     Martinez  Salmeron,  Jose.  "Smashing  Magazine."  Recent  Trends  In  Storytelling  And   New  Business  Models  For  Publishers.  18  Oct.  2013.  Accessed  17  Jan.  2014.­‐trends-­‐in-­‐ storytelling-­‐and-­‐new-­‐business-­‐models-­‐for-­‐publishers     "How   Do   I   Form   a   Music   Publishing   Company?”   Music  Publishers  Association.   N.d.   Accessed   22   Nov.   2013.­‐do-­‐ i-­‐form-­‐music-­‐publishing-­‐company   A  Thoughtful  Thesis  Review   Page 10 of 11                           Scott   Alberti,   Alexander.   "Kobalt   Music   Group:   Redefining   Music   Publishing."   Music   Business   Journal   Berklee   College   of   Music   RSS.    N.d.  Accessed  20  Jan.   2014.