Signal  Kitchen  Remix  Project   John  Moses-­‐  June  22nd,  2014   Overview   Background   Concept   Process   • Future  Plans   ExpectaHons   Reality   Process   Conclusions     What  is  Signal  Kitchen     Music  Venue   Recording  Studio   Content  Curator   Concept   Stems   Audio/Video   Content  Curator   Influences     FuncHonality     Four  Principle  ParHes   Access  to  Stem  Database   Signal  Kitchen  as  Intermediary     New  Sample-­‐based  Music   Licensed  Remixer   Stem  Database   Live  Recording   Live  Recording   Live  Recording   Live  Recording   Process   Developing  the  Idea   Value   CreaHng  the  Proposal   Wish  Lists:  Sponsors  and  Musicians         ExpectaHons   ContacHng  ArHsts  and  Sponsors   Begin  Working  on  Content   Reality   CommunicaHon       Lack  of  Human  Resource   Next  Steps   Develop  Pilot   Coordinate  Visual  Proposal   Answer  Legal  QuesHons   Financial  Details   Contact  ArHsts  and  Sponsors     Key  Lessons   Things  Can  Get  Off  Track   Value  is  Key-­‐  E&I   A  Good  Idea  Takes  Time-­‐  E&I   InsHtuHonal  Logic-­‐  Global  Leadership