Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam 1 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam Acknowledgements A special mention to Alexandre Perrin, teacher, supervisor and colleague in this endeavor, without whom we would not have been able to tackle the challenges and doubts this project has brought up. We would like to thank him for tremendous help he has been all year long through this project as well as in classes; his contribution has been invaluable in the completion of this project and degree. 2 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 COMPANY DESCRIPTION & MISSION 5 COMPANY STRUCTURE 6 TEAM 7 ANALYSES 8 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS MARKET ANALYSIS 15 SEGMENTATION RESEARCH RESEARCH RESULTS 18 19 INTERNAL ANALYSIS 23 COST ANALYSIS 28 OPERATIONAL & MARKETING STRATEGY GANTT DIAGRAM 38 42 3 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam APPENDICES and BIBLIOGRAPHY 43 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In today’s digital world, music has become widely accessible with the potential to reach a global audience. With the emergence of music discovery sites like YouTube, Spotify, etc., artists no longer need to be signed to a major record label in order to have a sustainable career. The unheard voices of independent and unsigned music genres now have a digital landscape to develop their careers--all they need now is vehicle to be that driving force. More specifically, current platforms do not offer the sufficient financial support that independent artists require to jumpstart their careers. P(£)ayback seeks to be that driving force providing a platform where all aspects of an unsigned artist’s content can be streamed, sold, or downloaded in one place. The UK digital music industry became an evident choice in placing the company on the map.. In 2013 along IFPI reported “3.5 Billion dollars in revenues”. 1 In addition 39% of UK music industry revenues have come from digital channels.2 That combined with a huge number of working independent and unsigned artists we feel that the United Kingdom is the best location to launch our service. 87% of users also still prefer owning their music that merely streaming.3 P(£)ayback allows for the purchase and streaming of music thus appealing to this population and their biases on consuming musical content. Our analysis of these figures suggest low barriers to entry in the UK Digital music market and thus a perfect environment for P(£)ayback to thrive. As such, P(£)ayBack will act as a limited liability company in the city of London in the United Kingdom and the team and the formalities that will enable the platform to exist must be taken into account. We will register with an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills called Companies House. In the development of the company over time, shares will be publicly traded on a market and P(£)ayBack will transition into a public limited company. The actualization process is fairly simple due to the low costs associated with establishing a company in the United Kingdom. For £20, a company can be set up in about 10 to 14 days by the Companies House. As a Limited Liability company however, a Corporation Tax must be considered. In the years focusing on the altering and creation of the platform, five members will act as directors for the company. This group would include Jad El Alam, Mikaela "IFPI Digital Music Report." IFPI. http://www.ifpi.org/downloads/Digital-Music-Report-2014.pdf (accessed April 27, 2014). IFPI Digital Music Report." IFPI. http://www.ifpi.org/downloads/Digital-Music-Report-2014.pdf (accessed April 27, 2014). 3 "Is Streaming the Next Big Thing? - What Consumers Want." Music Business Research. http://musicbusinessresearch.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/is-streaming-the-next-big-thing-what-consumers-want/#_ftn2 (accessed May 1, 2014). 1 2 4 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam Allen, Jeremy Carrion, Jane Kim, and Neda Shahram whose relevant personal and professional backgrounds can only contribute to the creation of the company. With major players already being solidly established, one can assume that the streaming market we are analysing is in a state of oligopoly. Indeed, Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud, and Grooveshark are established as household names for online and mobile streaming platforms for music and video content. However, a company like P(£)ayback is in a more direct competition with young start-ups by the likes of Bluefrog, Lizzar and other players hereto and less so with the major players. The existence of strong customer - brand loyalty ties represents a barrier to entry. However, this relationship does not exist yet because of the novelty of the type of service we offer. Therefore, the barriers are lowered. If we penetrate this market and gradually capture a significant market share, we can leverage the network effect to our advantage and subsequently raise the barriers to entry. Therefore, we could be seriously limiting further competition once we have started running our activities. Once P(£)ayback launches we believe that with the services being provided along with our structure will give us the advantage of being pioneers and thus giving us a competitive advantage against our competitors. We believe that entering the industry at a low rivalry point only works to our benefit as we will attempt to be the ones raising the barriers of entry. We are confident that music aficionados will use P(£)ayback because it’s an all-in-one platform that provides a unique experience where one can discover new artists and music and connect with their content through a faster and easier interface. However, because there are various platforms and services that provide some of our services, users still can easily get distracted to use other products instead of our platform. High threat of substitute products could make it our product less attractive and decrease profit potential for P(£)ayback. Contextualized with results from our external analysis, it can be seen that as advertisers and subscribers’ low levels of concentration in their respective fields can lead to more attractiveness; that advertisers would experience low switching costs, and though subscribers experience high switching costs, the partitioned dependence on both types of customers neither decrease or increase attractiveness; that the majority of the total cost will depend upon advertisers whose bargaining power increases; and that overarching all of the five forces is the substantial increase of attractiveness when the capacity to coordinate is considered. The main suppliers of our content are the unsigned artists that would be utilizing our platform. While there are some elements that provide these artists with more weight in terms of bargaining power, but overall, P(£)ayback holds a majority reign which is illustrated in a five forces diagram. In our market analysis, the level of exposure and the number of revenue streams that can be benefited from were chosen as units of measurement for segmenting our future clients. The level of engagement with digital content and whether the consumer is passive or active in music 5 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam discovery were chosen as units of measurement for mapping our future consumers. In essence, P(£)aybackers can be described as active music listeners, or music aficionados, who are the most social and invested type of fan. They are the target audience for P(£)ayback as they will be the ones most likely to use our service and engage with an artists online community. The Next Big Thing and Kickstarters are up and coming unsigned artist with varied sources of revenue (i.e. youtube, spotify, bandcamp, distribution channels, merchandise, etc.) This artist is looking to consolidate their content in one place and to engage with their fan base in new ways, making them the ideal candidate as a P(£)ayback artist. Lending itself to the same, qualitative and quantitative research methodology was employed to illustrate that there exists a niche market for our service. In our financial analysis we have defined scenarios for P(£)ayback to break even and we firmly believe that with these figures we can at least break even on the first year out. We believe that the new, innovative nature of the service we intend on offering allows the platform to fall into the category of small entrepreneurial companies. Therefore, P(£)ayback falls into the Introduction stage of the industry’s life cycle and it is deduced through research and analysis that the future is bright. The vision behind the P(£)ayback idea is to build a catalog of unsigned artists that we feel have the potential to reach a wider audience and facilitate their exposure. Our platform will foster an online community where fans will be able to engage with their favorite artists and all their musical content. P(£)ayback differentiates itself from its competition by focusing on the quality of the catalog rather than on its volume. It will be a careful blend of Artist & Repertoire with unsigned and music discovery, made available on a digital platform. Not only are we providing fans with the ability to get all the content in one place, but also providing the gateway for the fan to be a part of the creative process of an artist. COMPANY DESCRIPTION & MISSION In today’s digital world, music has become widely accessible with the potential to reach a global audience. With the emergence of music discovery sites like YouTube, Spotify, etc., artists no longer need to be signed to a major record label in order to have a sustainable career. The unheard voices of independent and unsigned music genres now have a digital landscape to develop their careers--all they need now is vehicle to be that driving force. More specifically, current platforms do not offer the sufficient financial support that independent artists require to jumpstart their careers. P(£)ayback seeks to be that driving force providing a platform where all aspects of an unsigned artist’s content can be streamed, sold, or downloaded in one place. 6 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam The vision behind the P(£)ayback idea is to build a catalog of unsigned artists that we feel have the potential to reach a wider audience and facilitate their exposure. Our platform will foster an online community where fans will be able to engage with their favorite artists and all their musical content. P(£)ayback differentiates itself from its competition by focusing on the quality of the catalog rather than on its volume. It will be a careful blend of Artist & Repertoire with unsigned and music discovery, made available on a digital platform. We are not only providing fans with the ability to get all the content in one place, but also providing the gateway for the fan to be a part of the creative process of an artist. This way, the fan feels as though they have an integral part in the creation of the music they like and the artists they want to support. In the beginning stages of an artists career, a solid support system is key. P(£)ayback is the platform that allows the artist and fan to create their own communities. From a consumer’s point of view, P(£)ayback represents a hassle-free music discovery experience. It aggregates all of the dimensions mentioned above onto one platform. People appreciate it when they don't have to go through a lot of trouble to get what they want. With P(£)ayback, you take out the effort the fan has to put forth to discover an artist in every way available. COMPANY STRUCTURE Legal Status P(£)ayBack will act as a limited liability company in the city of London in the United Kingdom. In the years focusing on the altering and creation of the platform, five members will act as directors for the company. This group would include Jad El Alam, Mikaela Allen, Jeremy Carrion, Jane Kim, and Neda Shahram. To anticipate the launch of our platform, we will register with an executive agency of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills called Companies House4 . Although all five members will serve as directors on the board, Jad El Alam, the founder of P(£)ayBack, is the nominated director for the registration with Companies House. Ownership While it is not compulsory that directors own shares, the owners of Team P(£)ayBack will each own 20% of the available shares. With the uncertainty of starting any business, the choice to categorize P(£)ayBack as an LLC will guarantee a higher level of protection should issues arise. In the primary stages of advancement for P(£)ayBack, it would associate with private limited 4 "Setting up a Business in the UK ." Enterprise Europe Network London. http://www.londonchamber.co.uk/DocImages/7706.pdf (accessed May 1, 2014). 7 Mikaela Allen & Jad El Alam companies in the limited liability sector only offering shares to the five directors. P(£)ayBack will be limited by shares in that the financial responsibilities of the company are limited to the value of shares each director owns but hasn’t paid for5 . In the development of the company over time, shares will be publicly traded on a market and P(£)ayBack will transition into a public limited company6. Tax and Financial Duties The cost associated with establishing a company in the United Kingdom is very minimal for Limited Liability companies. For £20 a company can be set up in about 10 to 14 days by the Companies House7 . As a Limited Liability company however, a Corporation Tax must be considered. The directors would pay income tax on their salaries in addition to any future employees. For any profits under £300,000 or less, a tax rate of 20% must be paid. In addition to this tax, Income Tax and National Insurance are also necessary. The amount of income tax varies depending on the amount of profit made by P(£)ayBack. Once the company evolves to a point where employees are necessary, this tax is required to be deducted from their wages and salaries and paid to HM Revenue and Customs8. National Insurance is also needed when adding new members to the P(£)ayBack team in order to account for retirement pensions, unemployment, and incapacity benefits. TEAM Jad El Alam Former independent musician with a background in DIY music, bedroom studio production, self-managed band, self-published music etc. WIth prior education in International Business & Economics, he is responsible of overseeing all of the financial operations that P(£)ayback undergoes. With prior work in Bar/Restaurant management, he has some of the experience and skills to lead a team of people as well as manage them towards the same goal. Mikaela Allen Mikaela has studied the ins and outs of the music business for the past four years. Focusing in the sector of Marketing, she has used this information to heighten her experience in the field interning at the Legendary Harvard Square venue, Club Passim in their marketing and promotions 5 "Tell us what you think of GOV.UK." Choose a legal structure for a new business. https://www.gov.uk/business-legal-structures/limited-company (accessed May 1, 2014). 6 This can only happen after P(£)ayBack is sustainable enough to issue shares with a value of at least £50,000 or the prescribed equivalent in euros before the company can start trading