Berklee Jaculty Assocnatlor; Concert Series pERL Y THE 1986 BERKLEE FILM FESTIVAL supervised by DON WILKINS Chairman of the Film Scoring Department Tonight's program features two ambitious films from Emerson College and a sensitive treatment of a short story from New York University's Graduate School in Film. A running time of 30 or more minutes for a student film is a major undertaking on every level from the script- ing through the shooting, editing and on through post-production sound. All of the films shown tonight differ in style and character, yet each demonstrates the positive results of such dedication on the part of everyene involved. It is exciting for us on the Film Scoring Faculty to witness the kind of collaborations taking place here at Berklee that often lead to successful professional relationships in the future. Filmmaking offers this kind of challenge and we are fortunate to be able to contribute musically to the completion of these cinematic endeavors. Don Wilkins TONIGHT'S PROGRAM: Kil]l Her {Horror/8uspense) o o b hdhge oo e o il el iMd Written and Directed by PAUL AMIRAULT (Emerson College) Music by PETER R. MELNICK* Recorded and Mixed by ROBERT REARDON @ AIR SOUND Music Editor - PHILIP PELLETIER Music Supervision - DON WILKINS Song: NIGHT IS A LONELY HUNTER . . . . . performed by ANDREA BURKE Additional songs by PETER R. MELNICK and PAT PATTISON INTERMISSION *Peter Melnick was one of six composers selected nationally to par- ticipate in the new Film Music Symposium/Workshop presented at Robert Redford's acclaimed SUNDANCE INSTITUTE this past summer. Four of the six selected were graduates from BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC.