October 15 October 22 October 23 October 28 October 29 Berklee Performance Center Concerts FALL 1991 T. de WINKEL/ORBITING—Guitarist Torsten de Winkel presents original progressive pop and jazz performed by a quintet that in- cludes alumni Kai Eckhardt-Karpeh, bass, Christian Diener, bass, and Kenya Hathaway, voice. Then, a seven-piece group led by bassist Manuel Kaufmann will perform original music in post-bop, modal, and funk styles, with featured soloists Chris Speed, saxophone, and Cuong Vu, trumpet. RED IN BLACK/AT THE STILL POINT (THERE THE DANCE IS)— Vocalist Carolina Brandes presents a program of original, high-energy electric avant-garde jazz funk performed by a sextet with faculty member Jamshied Sharifi on keyboards. Then, flutist Mariano Gil will perform original jazz with a South American influence featuring saxophonist Chris Cheek. JOHN BABOIAN & FRIENDS/THE BACK BAY BRASS JAZZ OR- CHESTRA—The John Baboian Ensemble will perform original com- positions and standards in mainstream and contemporary jazz styles. This all-faculty band includes Assistant Chair of the Percussion De- partment Ed Saindon, vibes, Ron Mahdi, bass, Marcello Pellitteri, drums, Roy Okutani, trumpet, and Bill Thompson and Dan Harrington, woodwinds. In the second half, Ben Elkins presents the Back Bay Brass in a program of big band jazz arrangements and compositions. THE BERKLEE CONCERT WIND ENSEMBLE—Composition Depart- ment Assistant Chair Greg Fritze presents contemporary classical wind music performed by this large student ensemble. CLOSER TO FINE/SPIRITS—Pianist Pamela Butchart presents her quartet performing contemporary jazz compositions by Thelonious Monk, Sting, and others as well as originals in her own arrangements. In the second half, vocalist Holly Palmer offers a program of contem- porary jazz and funk performed by a small ensemble. 5