BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 12 April 15 April 19 April 20 CONCERTS Spring 1982 Caughtin the Act (Act IIl) — Caught in the Act is a musical revue of some of Broadway’s greatest contemporary hits. John Gilmore will lead his orchestra of 23 of Berklee’s finest musicians, as well as 2 multitalented vocalists, in an evening of excitement and entertain- ment for all. This is the third performance of this group at the BPC. An Evening with the Jimmy Mosher Trio, Quintet and Orchestra, featuring guitarist Mickey Goodrick. Faculty saxophonist Jimmy Mosher leads a concert that features a trio, quintet and orchestra made up of faculty members. Special guest of the evening will be Mickey Goodrick. @ Overslept — Keiichi Ishibashi presents a program of original com- positions in both a large and small group setting. Squish — Just Around the Corner — Squish is a 4 piece band per- forming a wide blend of contemporary music including funk, latin, and jazz-rock. The band will also feature a 3-4 piece horn section among whom will be faculty member Peter Gordon. Jan Jarczyk /Wendell Brooks—Fantasy of the Wanderer — The second half of this concert will be a presentation of original music by Wendell Brooks. It will be filled with exciting horn arrangements as well as featuring an outstanding rhythm section going through var- ious facets of music. An Evening with the Dues Band — Directed by Phil Wilson. Faculty trombonist Phil Wilson directs the prestigious International Dues Band in its exciting annual Spring Concert, fea&uring Wilson’s dynamic arrangements of standards and new music. Bill Scism’s Alternate Source — Bill Scism and his sextet will fea- ture a variety of improvisational styles based on different elements of mood. Prepare to Meet Him — Directed by Lisa Harrigan. Reverence Gos- pel Ensemble is a group of 40 persons who perform contemporary Gospel music in various styles which include latin, funk and jazz. Also directed by faculty advisor Orville Wright. From Within — Directed by Walter Beasley Il. A musical blend of original compositions and arrangements from various idioms to pro- vide an evening of music for your listening pleasure. The Concert Jazz Orchestra — Berklee’s oldest and most presti- gious continuing ensemble presents their annual spring concert of large ensemble jazz. This program is a happy blend of the best stu- dent writers with the best student musicians under the direction of the very able Mr. Pomeroy. Guitar Nite VI — Directed by Bill Leavitt. The Annual Spring Concert of the Guitar Department showcases an array of guitar talents in a variety of group settings. From ragtime to rock, everything you always wanted to hear played on a guitar. '2—Thought Provoking Il — Will be an evening of contemporary Jazz that features compositions by Hubbard, Davis and Shorter, plus some original compositions by Michael Lewis.