David Friend Recital Hall Concerts March 11 — Band of Brothers — Faculty guitarist John Thomas is joined by Wood- wind department chair Bill Pierce, assistant chair of Percussion Yoron Israel, fac- ulty bassist Ron Mahdi and special guest trumpeter Charles Tolliver performing jazz originals and standards. March 22 — Moving Into the Light — composer/arranger Richard Boulanger pre- sents interactive multimedia performance for Radio Baton, Power Book, Cello and more with special guests Greg Thompson and Philip Boulanger. March 23 — The Marc Rossi Group Original World Jazz — Faculty composer and keyboardist marc Rossi presents contemporary jazz with Latin and India and other world influences. Featured soloists include Lance Van Lenten, Saxophone, Bill Urmson, bass and Mauricio Zottarelli, drums. March 24 — The Process — Tenor saxophonist Aaron Henry presents jazz/rock/ fusion originals for quintet with special guest faculty saxophonist George Garzone. March 30 — Jordan Perison — Drummer Jordan Perlson presents jazz and world music for large ensemble. April 5 — Composition Department Awards Concert - The concert will feature pieces by Composition Department Student Composers. The pieces will include music for soloists and small chamber ensembles. April 6 — Miracle in Strings: Celebrating the Genius of Harry Lookofsky The Berklee Sting Department, under the direction of chair violinist Matt Glaser, presents jazz for stings and rhythm section in a variety of combinations. April 8 — Esterhazy Quartet - A reading and recording session of student compo- sitions for string quartets by the renowned Esterhazy Quartet: Eva Szekely and John McLeod, violinists Leslie Perna, violist and Darry Dolezal, cellist. May 4 - Chizuru Gyofu Senior Recital - Percussionist Chizuru Gyofu presents classical and contemporary music for marimba. Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC 1140 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215-3693