WMN Produced by Ayla Davila & Amanda Leigh Advisors: Lucy Holstedt, Maggi Scott, Janea Stachowiak Rolling Aiko Fukushima Christine Fawson Big Band Breathe C. Karam /C.Karam-Olivier Bessaignet Christiane Karam Siddalee A. Chandler, Doug Dexter Anne Chandler | Don’t Wanna Cry P. Goudieva Polina Goudieva Fonix Bjorn Ole Rasch-Annbjorg Lien/H.Cassel-R. Eggleston Hanneke Cassel Don’t Waste Your Time Rachelle Ferrell Kizzy Gertrouw | Saw the Light Lisa Angello-Andrew Gold Leah Fesmire Disease Mancain Mancain Free J. Laws /J.Laws-Lorenzo Peris Jennie Laws Fingertips S. Delk Stephanie Delk Where Do | Go M. Cohen /Manuel Perovic Michal Cohen On The Other Side Andre Bowman, T. Woodside, S.Fisher /T.Woodside-S. Fisher Tabreeca Woodside Girl From Ipanema A.C. Jobim /C. Yamanaka Chihiro Yamanaka Trio Mother Earth J. Laws Finale