David Friend Recital Hall Concerts March 10 - Larry Baione - Guitar department chair Larry Baione presents mainstream jazz with special guest String department chair violinist Matt Glaser. March 13 - Berklee College Faculty Brass Quintet - In it's premiere performance, the Berklee Faculty Brass Quintet-Ken Pullig, Charles Lewis, trumpets; Michael Weinstein, horn; Tom Plsek, trombone: Greg Fritze, tuba- will perform a mix of traditional and brass quintet pieces as well as contemporary works including compositions by BFBQ members Ken Pullig and Greg Fritze. March 15 - Deja Blues - Masters degree candidate pianist/composer David Lockwood will lead a sextet which will include Berklee faculty members Joe Santerre, bass, Julien Kasper, guitar and Larry Finn, drums. The group will perform original compositions which draw on a range of influences and techniques from Bartok to Hip-Hop, Mingus to Mozart, left field to Scofield. March 30 - Composition Department Facutly Concert - Berklee Compos- ers 2000 - This concert, under the direction of faculty composer Louis Stewart, will feature compositions by Berklee faculty members Marti Epstein, Jack Jarrett, Louis Stewart, Greg Fritze, Andrew List, James Russell Smith, Alexandros Kalogeras, James Reyes and Vuk Kulenovic for a wide variety of musical settings including two pianos, clarinet solo, cello and violin duet and soprano, vibraphone and cello. April 3 - Contemporary Chamber Music - Under the direction of Jairo Duarte, various chamber ensembles will play contemporary compostions by Duarte and Giovanni Landini. April 5 - West African Ensembles - Under the direction of Joe Galeota. April 6 - Nancy Zeltsman-Marimba Concert Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC 1140 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215-3693