o X. Compositon _of _Contmuty W C onvertabiity of the portions of melody Yo ifs .wcana’my ares. @ Permotations of the seguence of e recua’wy axes. @) Tone/ expansions of e Jeconctrry ares. & Prevwovs oewvces combmed., Haemone *omars oF Cowrwury Two elements . o v b a » 1¢£)¢é Three elements ; erbrc g v (arb)+ Qv*i#c)*(fwc) * C Four cloments ;. av bv c »d g '-(dpé! ¢Sarl¢a¢o)¢ C +d) *» Eive elements: o wbecrd re . ¢ “‘(’*“) o S"fi'c) * U#brm-e(#-cz - ‘cro’nfi ¢‘a’o02 - e