Berklee Performance Center Concerts SPRING ‘86 April 17 SONGWRITERS SHOWCASE Il — Faculty members Pat Pattison and Mike Ihde present the twelve winning songs from the Second Annual Songwriters Competition at Berklee. This concert of original pop songs will showcase many of the college’s most talented songwriters, arrangers, and performers, { April 22 BERKLEE CONCERT JAZZ ORCHESTRA — Renowned faculty trumpeter/arranger Herb Pomeroy leads the most prestigious ensem- ble in the college in a program of contemporary big band music. April 23 MORE CHORD SCALE MADNESS — An evening of original jazz and Jazz/rock student compositions and arrangements performed by ( alarge ensemble will be directed by faculty guilarist/arranger Jackson Schultz. April 24 MY ROME AUNTS — One of Berklee’s top vocal groups, The Jazz Choir under the direction of Steve Prosser, is joined by an all-star rhythm section — Christian Jacob, piano, Ken Gotschall, bass, Ben Perowsky, drums — and tenor sax soloist Donny McCaslin for \ an evening of arrangements by faculty members Barrie Nettles, Dick Lowell and Steve Prosser as well as pieces by The King Singers in a variety of jazz vocal styles. April 28 GUITAR NIGHT X — The Berklee Guitar Department presents its top ensembles in its annual showcase concert embracing all facets of quilar from jazz to bluegrass. { April 29 HELD OVER — THE JAZZ VOCAL SUMMIT AND THE BOPPERS — Two of Berklee's premier vocal groups present an evening of small group vocal jazz in a variety of styles. Faculty vocalist Bob Stoloff opens the concert with his five-voice a capella group Vocal Summit performing jazz and free-jazz by composers ranging from Miles Davis lo John Coltrane. In the second half Cheryl Hodge brings the Boppers on for music in a varicly of styles ranging from Lambert, Hendricks & Ross to Gene Puerling. May | THE BERKLEE SINGERS SHOWCASE — Some of Berklee's finest vocalists join logether for a varied concert of arrangements written especially for this event in a variely of styles under the direction of Ensemble Department Chairman Orville Wright and Performance Studies Departiment Chairman Kob Rose. May5 PERCUSSION UNLIMITED — Percussion Department Chairman Dean Anderson presents Berklee's top perforying percussion ensem- % ble performing the latest in contemporary percussion literature including works by Steve Reich, Henry Cowell, Lou Harrison and Christopher Rouse. Special quests flutist Randy Bowman and renowned vibist David Friedman will join these talented percussion- ists as will faculty members Ed Uribe and Victor Mendoza.